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Israel approves 1,500 settler homes in East Jerusalem

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to be honest...not really bothered what happens over there....but if you back a rat into a corner it comes out fighting....those israelies would certainly put there finger on the trigger...not matter what the yanks want...


My bold =Yes the nuclear trigger.

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so Stephen Harper thinks Israel is cool then. I didn't know that. Great.


but Australia is dodgy, New Zealand even more so, and of course the new South Africa is a total nightmare when it comes to support for Israel.

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so Stephen Harper thinks Israel is cool then. I didn't know that. Great.


but Australia is dodgy, New Zealand even more so, and of course the new South Africa is a total nightmare when it comes to support for Israel.


Harper has distanced himself from Obama's latest remarks and solutions for Israel regarding the 1967 boundaries.

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With your blinkered views and your head in the sand as usual you miss one major factor.

Without the help of the USA Israel has become a nuclear power, any Arab country stupid enough to push them too far will get their come uppance along with any of the other waster Arab States who join in.


The stupid posters are the easiest to make look like idiots but, in the case of some, they sort the job out for themselves.


Without help from the US; Are you on drugs?

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Only if you're an ultra-Zionist Israeli settler :(


Oh my God I agree with you for once. The 1967 borders have to come back and the Palestinians have to have full civil rights in their own state.


It was nuts watching ol' Queenie in Ireland this week but I think the vast majority of people in the Republic would agree that there couldn't have been any forgiveness or reconcilliation until Catholics in the north were given the same civil rights as protestants who live in the north and I really believe the same thing applies to Palestinians. Until they are allowed to hold proper public office, govern themselves, move freely and own their own property and businesses without fear of molestation then there will never be peace in the middle east.


And don't think this means I think you are not a racist inflammatory anti-semetic bigoted foool.

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You're talking Arab nations here. They couldn't even get their acts together in 1948

or was it 1949 ?

Push comes to shove the U.S. could get more oil from Canada, after all we are their biggest oil supplier. Did you know that ? And our P.M. backs Israel 100%.


I'll leave you to look the dates up on wiki where you seem to get your info from.

Now lets look at your facts.


The US uses about 20 million barrels per day and produces around 8 or 9 of them, leaving them with a serious deficit.

Canada has large reserves estimated to be around 179 billion barrels but export just a couple of million per day.

So how, in the short term, do you think that will rise to 6 times that figure?


Excepting Canada, a country that's keeping production deliberately low and thinking long term about it's own future, the rest of the major reserves are in Arab countries until you get to Venezuela, Russia and Nigeria.


Venezuela is a big fan of the US - not. I can see them cutting deliveries to the US just for the laugh.

Russia is a big fan of the US - not.

Nigeria manages a couple of million barrels a day so that'll help a bit.


Saudi Arabia is the big boy on the field and the one to watch. They're getting protest at the moment that could turn rough and the US knows it.

That's what all this crap about avoiding civilian deaths in Libya is about.

The western nations are running scared and will ditch anything that is seen as to hinder relationships with Arab nations.

That goes for the PM's 100% support for Israel. It's melt away like a fart in the wind if oil supplies to the UK look endangered.

His votes depend on the UK not stopping in it's tracks and the Arabic countries could do that to us if they really wanted.

That's another reason the BNP are such bloody idiots.

If this country started attacking Muslims; what do you think they'd do to the UK's oil deliveries.

Even someone as stupid as a BNP member can work that one out.

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I'll leave you to look the dates up on wiki where you seem to get your info from.

Now lets look at your facts.


The US uses about 20 million barrels per day and produces around 8 or 9 of them, leaving them with a serious deficit.

Canada has large reserves estimated to be around 179 billion barrels but export just a couple of million per day.

So how, in the short term, do you think that will rise to 6 times that figure?


Excepting Canada, a country that's keeping production deliberately low and thinking long term about it's own future, the rest of the major reserves are in Arab countries until you get to Venezuela, Russia and Nigeria.


Venezuela is a big fan of the US - not. I can see them cutting deliveries to the US just for the laugh.

Russia is a big fan of the US - not.

Nigeria manages a couple of million barrels a day so that'll help a bit.


Saudi Arabia is the big boy on the field and the one to watch. They're getting protest at the moment that could turn rough and the US knows it.

That's what all this crap about avoiding civilian deaths in Libya is about.

The western nations are running scared and will ditch anything that is seen as to hinder relationships with Arab nations.

That goes for the PM's 100% support for Israel. It's melt away like a fart in the wind if oil supplies to the UK look endangered.

His votes depend on the UK not stopping in it's tracks and the Arabic countries could do that to us if they really wanted.

That's another reason the BNP are such bloody idiots.

If this country started attacking Muslims; what do you think they'd do to the UK's oil deliveries.

Even someone as stupid as a BNP member can work that one out.


But if that's the case and the arabs completely have us over a barrel for energy howcome our governments are not really bothering to find non-oil based means of producing energy?

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It makes not a jot of difference what our racist idiot population think (Do they think?).

Obama is talking about 1967 borders because he knows history is at a turning point and, if the US carries on in a straight line, it's going off the road.

Same goes for all the other oil importing countries.

You may notice China snuggling up to various oil producing nations. It's not because they like Arabs, more they want the oil and the US knows they'll have to change position to get their share.

If Israel is in the way of that, it's stuff Israel time.

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But if that's the case and the arabs completely have us over a barrel for energy howcome our governments are not really bothering to find non-oil based means of producing energy?


Obama is a bright chap and is trying but no one wants to know.

The oil companies are blocking attempts to do anything about renewable energy and no one seems to give a rats.

One day they'll work out what idiots they've been and that day may well come a lot quicker than was thought.

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I'll leave you to look the dates up on wiki where you seem to get your info from.

Now lets look at your facts.


The US uses about 20 million barrels per day and produces around 8 or 9 of them, leaving them with a serious deficit.

Canada has large reserves estimated to be around 179 billion barrels but export just a couple of million per day.

So how, in the short term, do you think that will rise to 6 times that figure?


Excepting Canada, a country that's keeping production deliberately low and thinking long term about it's own future, the rest of the major reserves are in Arab countries until you get to Venezuela, Russia and Nigeria.


Venezuela is a big fan of the US - not. I can see them cutting deliveries to the US just for the laugh.

Russia is a big fan of the US - not.

Nigeria manages a couple of million barrels a day so that'll help a bit.


Saudi Arabia is the big boy on the field and the one to watch. They're getting protest at the moment that could turn rough and the US knows it.

That's what all this crap about avoiding civilian deaths in Libya is about.

The western nations are running scared and will ditch anything that is seen as to hinder relationships with Arab nations.

That goes for the PM's 100% support for Israel. It's melt away like a fart in the wind if oil supplies to the UK look endangered.

His votes depend on the UK not stopping in it's tracks and the Arabic countries could do that to us if they really wanted.

That's another reason the BNP are such bloody idiots.

If this country started attacking Muslims; what do you think they'd do to the UK's oil deliveries.

Even someone as stupid as a BNP member can work that one out.


Well at least someone made all the bull they dish out wortwhile.

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