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Israel approves 1,500 settler homes in East Jerusalem

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Without help from the US; Are you on drugs?


no it just sounds like he knows a lot more than you do. In the 1960s, when Israel took the steps to go nuclear, they received no assistance at all from the United States who weren't as big an ally in those days as they later became, and who were in fact very wary about the whole idea of it.

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The stupid posters are the easiest to make look like idiots but, in the case of some, they sort the job out for themselves.


Without help from the US; Are you on drugs?

Hmm very sensible post, and regarding your remark " Are you on drugs?" judging by the content of your post I could throw the same quesation at you.

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But if that's the case and the arabs completely have us over a barrel for energy howcome our governments are not really bothering to find non-oil based means of producing energy?

That is the question I keep asking, the only worthwhile thing the Arabs have got is oil, we should be seeking alternatives to it then the Arabs could return properly to the past they seem to live in with their medieaval mentality and jargon.

They could open their citys as 13th century theme parks. No more 'Ali Snack Bar, just Arms sorry I mean 'Alms for the love of Allah'.:hihi::o:hihi::o:D

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Oh my God I agree with you for once. The 1967 borders have to come back and the Palestinians have to have full civil rights in their own state.


Palestinians don't have full civil rights in their own territories of Gaza or the West Bank (in fact they have better rights if they live in Israel). Giving them statehood will not turn them into a beacon of tolerance, freedom and democracy. Though I still think it should be given to them, they can't remain a non-country forever.

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With your blinkered views and your head in the sand as usual you miss one major factor.

Without the help of the USA Israel has become a nuclear power, any Arab country stupid enough to push them too far will get their come uppance along with any of the other waster Arab States who join in.


Pakistan have the BOMB they are more likely to use it.

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That is the question I keep asking, the only worthwhile thing the Arabs have got is oil, we should be seeking alternatives to it then the Arabs could return properly to the past they seem to live in with their medieaval mentality and jargon.

They could open their citys as 13th century theme parks. No more 'Ali Snack Bar, just Arms sorry I mean 'Alms for the love of Allah'.:hihi::o:hihi::o:D


You should be called plain talker. Like the arguement.

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Back on topic: as the land of Israel includes all of Jerusalem and the West Bank of the Jordan, why shouldn't its citizens live there? If 'Palestinians' want to, that's OK too. Alternatively, if 'Palestinians' do not want to, they could always go to live in their ancestral homeland- for Jordan is Palestine, as defined by the erstwhile British Mandate.

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The oil interests are far too powerful to be smacked down as easily as that.

Cash talks and they have a lot of it but the various uprisings are making it all the more urgent to sort out the daft reliance on fossil fuels.

With the US, Japan, China and so many others all going after as much as they can, it's bound to lead to serious political problems and they have a nasty habit of leading to wars.

It's up to the whole population of the world to help out. My carbon footprint is pretty low - how's yours?

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Pakistan have the BOMB they are more likely to use it.
Yes and look what paid for it £millions upon £millions of our overseas aid with the policy of "You feed those we let starve and uneducated, while we build nuclear bombs".
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