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Would you want Gordon Brown to be the head of the IMF?

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Europe looked to Gordon for guidance during the recent crisis. I doubt they would ever look to george Osborn. May as well consult a clairvoyant............


Yes, Gordon can at least say that he had an effect on one of the worlds major economies, whilst so far George has not yet managed to find the bottom line of what he inherited. :rolleyes:

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is he on gardening leave? he's never at work. right now he's in africa calling for 5 billion. i would like to ask him why he screwed this country so badly.


I hold no brief for Gordon Brown or any individual or faction of the LibLabCon Party, however, the nonsense about his financial screwing of the country is not quite so clear cut as some of you make out.


Blair outThatchered Thatcher with a far superior propaganda machine.


Since Thatcher Labour and Conservative have virtually seemlessly changed governments with virtually no differences in policy or spending.


The Tories were signed up to take over from Labour with but the subtlest changes in spending plans.


The fly in the ointment was of course the crashing of a fraudulent international financial system.


Gordon Brown is definitely culpable in so far as he refused to regulate the Banksters, deregulation was of course started by the Thatcher Government continued by Labour and is essentially unchanged by the latest faction of the LibLabCon Party to get their snouts in the trough.

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Devils Advocate.


As many seem critical, who would be a good alternative?


It has been suggested that one of the new emerging member nations have a shot rather than The US or Europe. Any thoughts?


forest gummp lol

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Why not? Don't recall anyone complaining about his skills as chancellor... Only after the GLOBAL crash did anyone say anything negative about his financial skills...


You weren't listening hard enough. There were people who thought him useless long before the credit crunch. I've thought he was useless since about 2004/05 since it was already becoming evident that he didn't care about keeping a lid on the housing market.

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