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Cooking oil converted into diesel

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I ran a diesel for a few years like this. Bought it from the cash and carry. The price of oil now though has rocketed, probably because of this, so its not worth it any more. Unless you use recycled.


My head gasket blew but I'm not sure if this was a consequence or just a coincidence...

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Probably a few big bio producers in the area.


Everyone used to do it in their garage with free oil from take-aways, but then companies started paying for the used oil and en-mass producing the stuff for sale to business fleets.

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Probably a few big bio producers in the area.

Yes, but it's never a good idea to let the big boys get too much control, lest they start having deals and stitching us all up...

Is why I'm looking for an oil farmer.

Everyone used to do it in their garage with free oil from take-aways, but then companies started paying for the used oil...

Which is fair enough, but what is the going rate for used oil around these parts?

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