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Reptilian/Lizard people amongst us

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Well, if you can't beat em, join em!

If THIS one gets moved/removed there really IS a conspiracy going on between the mods!


Amongst the many.... MANY conspiracy threads, the subject of a reptilian secret race is mentioned frequently but never really discussed. Is this a taboo in conspiracy circles? Or just such a dangerous subject that they dare not speak of for fear of execution?


There are some great videos on youtube. This one is quite clearly 100% proof, as the title suggests.

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Strangely enough I watched They Live only a couple of weeks ago and immediately thought to myself that it was a blue print for some of the Matrix/Alien Overlord CT that you come across and just had to have a mention in a youtube 'proof' somewhere.


From what I can gather the lizard theme is particular to only a small cadre of Ickers, the rest (Ickers that is) choosing not to believe in this particular lunacy. It serves as a prime example of people picking and choosing what they want to believe from the gosplel according to Icke without their brains exploding from the cognitive dissonance this must instil.



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Well, Roots. You've not only convinced me, you've terrified me. I won't leave the house now for fear of the aliens, which I am now sure exist and are walking among us...


It's all explained here on truthlogic's YouTube Channel.




If you read some of his comments on there, it's actually pretty scary. He tries to come across a certain way on here, yet you only have to read a few of his cult mentality postings to see the truth is very different...


These people go on about the truth, when they're really just angry people wanting some kind of uprising. They're modern day rabble rousers.


PS. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just had a look at his youtube [age too.

is great, at 2:02 (after using clips of hollywood movies as evidence for this) it says "Some christians believe that 3am is a way for Devils to mock the holy trinity because it's an inversion of 3pm, which is the time when they believe Jesus died and also because the clock hands look like an upside down cross"


Yeah, just read that last line again. Seriously.


Then at 3:00 it says this: "By making people believe that 3am is a way for devils to mock the holy trinity, it conditions some Christians to subconsciously program themselves that the cross is the best and only way to represent Christianity"


It continues claiming that the cross is actually a symbol of devil worship and that all celebrities have sold their soul to the devil for fame. Although some are anti-illuminati and regret selling their soul.

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Yes. Sorry, boss!


Can we have a quick precis on the aliens? Where did they come from and how do we know about them?


I saw something about interbreeding, yet surely their DNA would be utterly incompatible with our own.


Another thing that makes no sense is that, if this 'master race' was made up of royals, why has the Royal Family lost so much of its power over the last 100 years? They're little more than figureheads these days and you rarely see, if ever, them actually taking any role in Government or leadership.


Edit: Surely if they were trying to control us, they'd be a bit more, well, powerful.

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