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Obama flexin his wings

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Much of those people who want to return are opposed to the existance of Israel, call upon it's destruction and death to the Jews. This is the dilemma Israel faces, why should they allow people back into their country that want to see its destruction and wish death upon its people?


Please don't tarnish everyone with the same brush the government who the people can't vote for and the people have very different ideas, the expelled have not seen loved ones since the golan heights was taken and would love to return to the land they once tilled and live with family again.

Our own Condem government doesn't speak for me and i would imagine it doesn't speak for you either.

This generalisation is what acheives nothing.

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1)Gosh - What uninformed crap.

Isreal took those lands in wars and settled them contry to international law.

The US is crapping itself at the possibility of losing it's oil supply and, 2)if keeping that supply means ditching support for Israel, it's bye bye to that country.


Agree with Part 1


Part 2 Israel won't be kicked into touch, The US will resort to military action to protect its vital national interests in cases where they could have achieved their objectives peacefully had it not been for their unconditional support of Israel.


Obama expected to stress strong US-Israel ties at AIPAC


WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama is widely expected to emphasize what binds Israel and the US when he addresses America’s largest pro-Israel lobby Sunday, rather than highlight the policies revealing wide conceptual gaps between the two countries contained in his speech last week.


The tone of Obama’s speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference is expected to be substantially different in tone, according to an Israeli official, because the president will be addressing “our home crowd.”


...Obama and pro-Israel advocates have long had a rocky relationship. Though some of his closest supporters and biggest donors come from the Jewish community, including AIPAC president Lee Rosenberg, many have questioned his support for the Jewish state and whether his policies help or hurt it.




Everyone in Washington knows that AIPAC and similar groups make great friends, sources of funding and positive press coverage, they are also aware that they upset the Zionist lobby at their peril.


...In addition to Obama and Netanyahu, this year’s list of confirmed speakers include current House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia), and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland)...
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They wanted their land to be theirs. Big wow.


Are you claiming that if israel didn't exist palestine and israel would still be fighting?


No! what you on about. In the middle of what is an Arab middle east there is Israel, It's the land of the Jews and not up for the taking. As I said Arabs are making a right royal mess of the middle east, let there be an oasis in the middle called Israel. Do Arabs want to take over the world. Not on your nelly.

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