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Would you work nights for £6.05 per hour?(if there were no benefits at all)

Would you work nights and weekends for £6.05 per hour?(no benefits availa.)  

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  1. 1. Would you work nights and weekends for £6.05 per hour?(no benefits availa.)

    • yes
    • no
    • dont know

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Having worked on the minimum wage recently I found that I just couldn't cover the cost of living. This in turn eventually put me into a situation where I stopped answering the phone and the door because in all likelihood it was some debt recovery company wanting money that I just didn't have. I live in crap rented accommodation and don't allow myself any real luxuries.


I will never work for such low wages again, these jobs are for people who don't live in the real world and talk about 'self respect' knowing they don't have to be put into that same position. There is no self respect in allowing yourself to be ripped off by some scumbag employer, and being subjected to the scummy PAYE tax regime whilst paying extortionate rent for crap accommodation.


Ian Duncan Smith who controls welfare benefits for the Tories has said that he wants to give tax credits to people who work to make sure that people on the dole are never better off than people who work. That would be so much better because I have worked extremely hard over the last 5 years or so and have been far, far poorer than at least half of the people who've been raking in cash .

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So you think that employers are out there to pay workers as much as they can, whilst still making a profit. That is almost laughable! Do you honestly think Mr Businessman is thinking let's put employee wages above profits!

With over one million low/semi/unskilled workers out there how many employers do you think WOULDN'T take advantage of the situation? Do you honestly think if a trained joiner came to your employers and told them they would do the job for minimum wage your employer wouldn't jump at the opportunity?


Of course they aren't paying them as much as they can (to cripple their profits).


So why are staff at my place not paid NMW for a fairly simple job? (it's a call centre)

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Of course they aren't paying them as much as they can.


So why are staff at my place not paid NMW for a fairly simple job? (it's a call centre)


Because nobody wants to work in a call centre, I speak from experience having worked in four. Why do you think call centres have such a high turn over in staff? If there were no benefits then there would be thousands of applicants desperate for each job available and the turn over in staff would drop dramatically. You watch how quick pay drops then!

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I suggest you make an effort to read the posts previously entered. I was responding to a post by *_ash_* and you responded to my post with a comment that was off topic and then have the cheek to complain about my being off topic. Pot and kettle? Oh, and I'm not a joiner, by trade, but I could do the job, and would do it, for a lot less than you if I lost my current job and there was no safety net. As I'm sure you are aware a lot of other people could. Business owners would love to see the safety net removed, imagine, sealed bids for who would do a job for the least amount of money! You think without a benefit system you would get a job offering £6.05 per hour for unskilled or semi-skilled labour?


I think you will find i reply to posts. I do not like to reply to people on most occasions (unless that person repeatedly badgers me).


As for the joinery part. No you couldn't do my job and you certainly couldn't do anything like my job for a lot less than me. You have no idea about the qualifications needed to even attempt to do my job legally.


What are you going to do. Turn up to fit the door (after buying all the tools needed and paying for public liability insurance), and realize it needs 10mm taking off the width? Then what would you do exactly? Still undercut me perhaps?


NO you can not do my job to an acceptable standard. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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I think you will find i reply to posts. I do not like to reply to people on most occasions (unless that person repeatedly badgers me).


As for the joinery part. No you couldn't do my job and you certainly couldn't do anything like my job for a lot less than me. You have no idea about the qualifications needed to even attempt to do my job legally.


What are you going to do. Turn up to fit the door (after buying all the tools needed and paying for public liability insurance), and realize it needs 10mm taking off the width? Then what would you do exactly? Still undercut me perhaps?


NO you can not do my job to an acceptable standard. Wake up and smell the coffee.


You base the knowledge that I couldn't do your job upon what exactly? Hope? Or are you one of those people who's skills are so exceptional that nobody could hope to match them? Like all those plumbers, builders, electricians, joiners who've been replaced by Eastern Europeans? After all Eastern Europe doesn't train joiners does it? Out of curiousity how much did YOUR wages drop when Eastern Europeans arrived? And you don't think there are trained joiners amongst the million plus unemployed?

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And of course amongst the million plus unemployed there is nobody with your skill set? How lucky you must be. If the benefit system was stopped you watch how quickly your wages drop through the floor. You watch how often your house gets burgled or your car stolen by people desperate for food. Look at Victorian England if you want to see what happens with no benefits system, or alternatively look at the crime rate in the US. You want to live in a society like that, because I sure as something don't.



PS I can, and have, fitted internal doors into a Victorian frame AND I do have the tools required to do the job.


If you fit doors as you say you do and you reckon that your wages didn't plummet in the last then years you are not an honest person.


How would you feel if you spent several years as an apprentice, even more years studying and working hard to qualify as a chippie, plumber, plasterer etc, etc then ended up with somebody rocking up from eastern Europe who halved your wages? If you were told nurses salaries would be halved overnight would you think that was okay?


If you were told teachers would have their salaries halved overnight to be replaced by teaching of the same standard would you think it was okay?

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You base the knowledge that I couldn't do your job upon what exactly? Hope? Or are you one of those people who's skills are so exceptional that nobody could hope to match them? Like all those plumbers, builders, electricians, joiners who've been replaced by Eastern Europeans? After all Eastern Europe doesn't train joiners does it? Out of curiousity how much did YOUR wages drop when Eastern Europeans arrived? And you don't think there are trained joiners amongst the million plus unemployed?


And how are you somebody to lecture construction workers about what they should or shouldn't be doing? My husband is not British but he has been settled here for 20 odd years so would you be happy if your wages halved overnight with no explanation despite you performing well at your job?

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