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Clegg snubbed by Obama

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Unlike David Cameron and Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, Mr Clegg will not have a “one on one” meeting with the President.


I can see a point in having a "one on one" with the Prime minister, but I don't see the point in having a "one on one" with Mr Ed, I wonder what that was all about.

Do American Governors have "one on ones" with our Prime Minister?


Sources close to Mr Clegg said that he could have asserted his claim to a personal meeting in his capacity as Lib Dem leader. “We could have had a meeting as leader, but we decided not to do that,” said a source.


And why would he want to, what would it achieve, maybe one of Mr Ed's minions can enlighten me.


Allies of Mr Cameron were privately celebrating the outcome of those talks as an assertion of the Prime Minister’s authority over his deputy.


Because they were struggling to understand the authoritarian powers given to titles like "Prime Minister" and "Deputy Prime Minister" maybe.


Because Mr Clegg will not get his own meeting,


That according to the same article he's not asked for.


there is more time in Mr Obama’s diary to spend with Mr Cameron.


Talking about weapons and war and who they want to see dead.

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it's nothing personal and Clegg isn't so consquential that Obama snubbed him on purpose. Obama just doesn't like Britain, period. Having a father from Kenya who probably had some degree of sympathy to the Mau Maus probably has something to do it.


really? a father who hardly had anything to do with him could somehow make him 'dislike' a whole nation?


why would you say he doesn't like Britain?

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Not in the slightest ……….. isn’t it a national pastime. :hihi:

And the Tories must be doubled up with laughter knowing they can do anything they like and Nick Clegg will get the blame.

I had to laugh at the student fees arguments, no one seemed to blame Mr. Cameron for not supporting Mr. Clegg in his pre election pledge. Surely this is why fees were changed because the Tories over ruled the Lib Dems.

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I suppose having a grandfather that was tortured by the British might come in to it somewhere.


i have near enough a hundred blood relatives who went through the same or worse, yet i love this country.


it's the same for a lot of Africans, Caribbeans etc. it's just not true that people with connections to colonial pasts dislike Britain.

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And the Tories must be doubled up with laughter knowing they can do anything they like and Nick Clegg will get the blame.



True, its just that the Lib / Dems don’t seem to have got the joke yet although after the recent local elections I think a few have finally woken up.

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