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Has anyone read the bible

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Has anyone read the Bible? When I ask this I mean from page to page, beginning to end.


There a few things that make me question the book.


Story of Noah.

In the bible it says he was a alcoholic.

My questions are: How did an alcoholic come to build an ark? Is that possible?

Noah claimed God was talking to him - him being a alcoholic invaildates his claim that god was talking to him. If you meet an alcoholic, and he claimed god was talking to him, you would not believe him.

A prophet would not be an alcoholic.

Great point, a clean and sober person could easily build a boat big enough to preserve examples of each of the millions of species that inhabit the earth, travel round the earth collecting a breeding population of each and every species... but an alcoholic on the other hand would have no chance.

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Great point, a clean and sober person could easily build a boat big enough to preserve examples of each of the millions of species that inhabit the earth, travel round the earth collecting a breeding population of each and every species... but an alcoholic on the other hand would have no chance.


Thank you.


It just doesn't add up! An alcoholic working in McDonalds couldn't flip burgers if you ask me! x

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Well the Jesus depicted in the bible is a cult leader who tried to turn people against their families & a petty vandal. Both of those things seem like "flaws" to me.


What was he saying to people to turn them against their families? x

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What was he saying to people to turn them against their families? x

Luke 14:26 (King James Version)


If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

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Has anyone read the Bible? When I ask this I mean from page to page, beginning to end.


There a few things that make me question the book.


Story of Noah.

In the bible it says he was a alcoholic.

My questions are: How did an alcoholic come to build an ark? Is that possible?

Noah claimed God was talking to him - him being a alcoholic invaildates his claim that god was talking to him. If you meet an alcoholic, and he claimed god was talking to him, you would not believe him.

A prophet would not be an alcoholic.


Please discuss. x


The more questionable part of the Noah story (depending on which version of the bible you read) is the REASON god sent the floods. I've read that it was to wipe out the Nephilim, supposedly the giant, violent offspring of Angels breeding with humans. I can't remember which version of the old testament I read this from but it'll probably show up in google.

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Also another question I have.


All books generally have an author, however why can we not trace who Matthew was? What was his surname? Same with the other three? x


Matthew Smith. Luke Goss,Mark Mywords and John Sandjohnson.


Speccy all books have authors,some being witheld ,some publicised:loopy::loopy::loopy:

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Matthew Smith. Luke Goss,Mark Mywords and John Sandjohnson.


Speccy all books have authors,some being witheld ,some publicised:loopy::loopy::loopy:


Bit harsh don't you think? Speccy has recently discovered a possible belief in god and is now questioning the religion's origins before he/she gets further into it. I think that's more to be applauded than ridiculed. Certainly it's better than just accepting a faith blindly because someone told you to.

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Matthew Smith. Luke Goss,Mark Mywords and John Sandjohnson.


Speccy all books have authors,some being witheld ,some publicised:loopy::loopy::loopy:


And what do you actually know?


Can you trace them?

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