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Commies and general lefties have lost again.

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Imagine by John Lennon was an idealistic look at a world of equality.

Just in cast you're too young to remember.



Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace


You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one


Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world


You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one


You may notice my bold, "Imagine no possessions".




A microphone from John Lennon's home studio, in which he recorded early solo albums and hit song Imagine, has sold for £6,650 at auction.

The former Beatle had the equipment installed at his Georgian manor house estate at Tittenhurst Park, near Ascot, in 1970.


That little quote from the wonderful BBC new site tells us three things.


1 - Lennon was one off with "Imagine no possessions" because his possession just got flogged for a few grand - a real "Stuff you" to commie idealism and.....


2 - Lennon had a ruddy great big mansion thus proving the old job where people who spout left wing crap always get what they can screw from the system.


3 - left wing ideals are a bag of smelly male bovine droppings.


When will the lefties realise their lives are being wasted when living is really all about getting enough cash to see you right and stuff the lazy to whatever crumbs are left over for them?


Commies 0 - Capitalists 1

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If a left wing person wants to express an opinion they have to forsake their wealth and auction all belongings on ebay.No-one can speak about being blind without gouging out their own eyes rendering them blind.I will not make any sypmathetic noises about accisdent victims as you will drag mre to the Parkway and have me run over!

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Imagine by John Lennon was an idealistic look at a world of equality.



1 - Lennon was one off with "Imagine no possessions" because his possession just got flogged for a few grand - a real "Stuff you" to commie idealism and.....

I'm failing to see your point here, some of a (dead) "Lefty's" items have been sold for a great deal of money, not his choice. This is a blow for "lefties" how?

2 - Lennon had a ruddy great big mansion thus proving the old job where people who spout left wing crap always get what they can screw from the system.

I think if you do a little research you'll find that John Lennon was quite a famous and successful artist, who made a fair bit of money from his music. I'm guessing that's what paid for the mansion. I doubt he "screwed it from the system".

3 - left wing ideals are a bag of smelly male bovine droppings.


When will the lefties realise their lives are being wasted when living is really all about getting enough cash to see you right and stuff the lazy to whatever crumbs are left over for them?


Commies 0 - Capitalists 1

I'm fairly left, I work hard and own a business. I think life's more about enjoying and appreciating it.


How did you come up with those "scores" by the way?

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I'm failing to see your point here, some of a (dead) "Lefty's" items have been sold for a great deal of money, not his choice. This is a blow for "lefties" how?


Because his claimed idea is out of the window.



I think if you do a little research you'll find that John Lennon was quite a famous and successful artist, who made a fair bit of money from his music. I'm guessing that's what paid for the mansion. I doubt he "screwed it from the system".


Thus proving my second point. He spouted crap about equality while he was rich himself. Just shows he was talking crap.

I suppose I should applaud him. He spewed out what the idiots wanted to hear to screw their cash out of them.

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Hitler is dead.


Ha, ha


Score one for the lefties!


(Well its equally as well thought out as the OP)




I suspect the UpinToytown is mentally ill. I wonder who'll be picking up the tab when he is sectioned??? Yep us hardworking 'lefties' no doubt.

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Because his claimed idea is out of the window.




Thus proving my second point. He spouted crap about equality while he was rich himself. Just shows he was talking crap.

I suppose I should applaud him. He spewed out what the idiots wanted to hear to screw their cash out of them.


so, you can only be a liberal if you're dirt poor? does the opposite work for the right wing?

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Because his claimed idea is out of the window.


How so? His stuff has been sold, you have no idea who to or what has happened with the proceeds. HE didn't sell them and profit from them so what's your point?

Thus proving my second point. He spouted crap about equality while he was rich himself. Just shows he was talking crap.

I suppose I should applaud him. He spewed out what the idiots wanted to hear to screw their cash out of them.


Do you have records of what he did with all his money? How many people and charities he helped out?

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