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Commies and general lefties have lost again.

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can't a rich person strive to make the world better and fair for others without giving everything up?


He can; but if he is campaigning for wealth to be shared equally, he's a hypocrite.


(For the record, I don't know whether Lennon actively campaigned for equal distribution of wealth, beyond writing a song about it.)

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I couldn't, still can't, stand JL. He was such a pillock when he started to spout his "O" Level standard politics..And his music was dire as well. He and the Beatles are probably the most over-rated musicians in the history of popular music. And that Yoko was a div also...:D

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He can; but if he is campaigning for wealth to be shared equally, he's a hypocrite.


(For the record, I don't know whether Lennon actively campaigned for equal distribution of wealth, beyond writing a song about it.)


you're right.

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I couldn't, still can't, stand JL. He was such a pillock when he started to spout his "O" Level standard politics..And his music was dire as well. He and the Beatles are probably the most over-rated musicians in the history of popular music. And that Yoko was a div also...:D


i agree with you on that.

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Imagine by John Lennon was an idealistic look at a world of equality.

Just in cast you're too young to remember.





You may notice my bold, "Imagine no possessions".






That little quote from the wonderful BBC new site tells us three things.


1 - Lennon was one off with "Imagine no possessions" because his possession just got flogged for a few grand - a real "Stuff you" to commie idealism and.....


2 - Lennon had a ruddy great big mansion thus proving the old job where people who spout left wing crap always get what they can screw from the system.


3 - left wing ideals are a bag of smelly male bovine droppings.


When will the lefties realise their lives are being wasted when living is really all about getting enough cash to see you right and stuff the lazy to whatever crumbs are left over for them?


Commies 0 - Capitalists 1


Why have you quoted the song?

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He can; but if he is campaigning for wealth to be shared equally, he's a hypocrite.


(For the record, I don't know whether Lennon actively campaigned for equal distribution of wealth, beyond writing a song about it.)



Very few people believe that wealth should be shared totally equally. Most 'lefties' I know are more concerned with bringing about a society where people have equal opportunities, as opposed to advocating that people who work hard have their money taken off them and given to people who have done nothing to deserve it - which is actually a right wing idea. After all, slavery, bonded labour, and all the other horrendous abuses from history were mostly championed by the right and repealed due to the opposition of the left and liberals.


Thinking that all left wing ideology can be written off by such arguments as in the OP is just pure simple minded foolishness. And the premise that anyone who thinks systems should be developed to counter the accumulation of wealth by a minority is a hypocrite unless they themselves are poor, shows a level of political vision similar to that of a baboon.

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....as opposed to advocating that people who work hard have their money taken off them and given to people who have done nothing to deserve it - which is actually a right wing idea.


Um no - it's the very foundation principle of communism. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

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Um no - it's the very foundation principle of communism. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.


If a man has 3 children and has lost the capacity to work do you subscribe to the view that the family should starve?


Do you subscribe to the view that those of us more fortunate should help our brother and his family?

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