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Jeremy kyle, A big fake liar!!

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But he has admitted that he fouled up and proved that people can change


Has he though?

Hes swapped one habbit (gambling) for another (idiot baiting).

Hes a disgusting little man and im sure lots of filth will come out about him in the fullness of time.

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But he has admitted that he fouled up and proved that people can change and that's what he wants others to see but he can't do it for them, they are adults who asked to come on to turn life around and OP's friend did that after being steered in right direction so some things must sink in


He didnt help her at all, His show did nothing and when her daughter was born someone from the show rang her, which was the first time she had heard from them since being on the show, Asking what was wrong with her child? and was very suprised when she said nothing, they even said "are you sure" They didnt give her any help, she did it herself.


Also on the subject of Mr Squeaky clean Kyle, He did have a gambling problem and lost everything to it and stole from everyone he knew to feed his "habit" and his brother was ( think hes dead now) a crack addict, Hes just a lucky scum bag whos fallen on his feet and thinks that gives him the right to put everyone else down

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Yes but she has been "clean" for over 3 yrs now, I did say i didnt like druggies and wouldnt have spoken to her if i knew when she was doing that lol


Thing is though that these shows have a twist. I can't see JK taking her on the show on the basis of being an addict and pregnant alone. Was the child her brothers or summat?

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But he has admitted that he fouled up and proved that people can change and that's what he wants others to see but he can't do it for them, they are adults who asked to come on to turn life around and OP's friend did that after being steered in right direction so some things must sink in


is shouting at them and calling them 'scum' the way to go about it?

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Thing is though that these shows have a twist. I can't see JK taking her on the show on the basis of being an addict and pregnant alone. Was the child her brothers or summat?


:hihi::hihi::hihi: drugs and pregnant would be too tame?

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He didnt help her at all, His show did nothing and when her daughter was born someone from the show rang her, which was the first time she had heard from them since being on the show, Asking what was wrong with her child? and was very suprised when she said nothing, they even said "are you sure" They didnt give her any help, she did it herself.


Also on the subject of Mr Squeaky clean Kyle, He did have a gambling problem and lost everything to it and stole from everyone he knew to feed his "habit" and his brother was ( think hes dead now) a crack addict, Hes just a lucky scum bag whos fallen on his feet and thinks that gives him the right to put everyone else down


after leaving the show she never heard from him again, So I always thought he was an a*s and very fake but


Which of the statements is correct? and your friend turned her life around as did Jeremy Kyle, what's the difference. He gave your friend the incentive, he cannot turn her life around for her she has to do that herself and I congratulate her on that but you don't give Jeremy the same credit

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He didnt help her at all, His show did nothing and when her daughter was born someone from the show rang her, which was the first time she had heard from them since being on the show, Asking what was wrong with her child? and was very suprised when she said nothing, they even said "are you sure" They didnt give her any help, she did it herself.


Also on the subject of Mr Squeaky clean Kyle, He did have a gambling problem and lost everything to it and stole from everyone he knew to feed his "habit" and his brother was ( think hes dead now) a crack addict, Hes just a lucky scum bag whos fallen on his feet and thinks that gives him the right to put everyone else down


other things, yes. but why would his brother being a crack rat make jeremy 'more' scummy?

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