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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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That's exactly my point. So any idea (as was suggested) that stops them spending cash is completely unworkable.

Giving them a benefits card wouldn't stop them spending cash, it would stop us giving them cash though, and it would stop them from (directly) purhasing non essential items.

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Giving them a benefits card wouldn't stop them spending cash, it would stop us giving them cash though, and it would stop them from (directly) purhasing non essential items.


Try to remember how you reached this point


So they wouldn't be allowed to have cash!

How would you stop them disabling the chip? Or stop someone else just exchanging the special brew directly for the goods they had to buy?

I'm sure some enterprising wags would find ways around the system, and I'm also positive that some shopkeepers would flaunt the rules to make a little extra profit.


However it would be pretty easy to tie into a central epos system (although no that simple for DSS IT dept'), that would flag exceptions up.


You'll never stop the barter system once the initial transaction has happened though; but at least we'd be able to tell all the Daily Mail readers that benefits weren't being spent on booze, fags and lottery. (even if the goods paid for by benefits were then sold on the black market to provide cash to the underclass).



Again though, as for your question re allowing them cash, why would they need it


There was talk about stopping them spending cash, and you said that they'd find a way around it (which I think I'd already said myself).

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Try to remember how you reached this point




There was talk about stopping them spending cash, and you said that they'd find a way around it (which I think I'd already said myself).


Sorry, but I'm not quite getting your point here.


I advocted a move from cash benefits to a restrictive card based system.


You stated that they'd just trade the goods, and that they wouldn't be allowed to have cash.


I stated that I don't care if they have cash, just not paid directly as beer tokens from the DSS...


I'm more concerned why you think they NEED cash.

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They'd sell the items for cash and then go back in and buy Special Brew.

Not if we RFID tag 'em



You know the modern equivalent of the tattoos they used to give out in Germany in the '30's.


Did I misunderstand the point of this tag? I thought it was in order to not allow the person with the tag to spend cash? Otherwise what was the point of it?

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Did I misunderstand the point of this tag? I thought it was in order to not allow the person with the tag to spend cash? Otherwise what was the point of it?


The RFID tag comment was a joke, sorry if it went over your head.


It was meant as an analogy to the way a certain nation 'tagged' members of a certain religion in the 30's because they considered them undesirable. It was meant as an example that sometimes Daily Mail readers want to take things a stage too far.

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It didn't go over my head, but I replied to it anyway and then you replied to my reply.


Sorry if the fact that I'd replied to it went over your head. :D


No worries, as I get older my spine is compressing, so much more goes over my head :)

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I think you are getting your knickers in a twist in all honesty :)


Lets get back on track eh?


Rich's first point was to ask why his partner was declared fit to work while being 36 weeks pregnant and suffering from PNT.


In my opinion this was a mix up and she should not have been classed as fit to work at this moment in time.





This is the part where i become confused. As far as i know JSA is the best way to go if you are not working. You receive full benefits for all 3 children and both partners as long as they are not working (something still to be cleared up by rich).


The only reason i can see this being a problem is if rich is indeed working and the family were previously gaining disability benefits on top of rich's wages before.


my partner is suffering long term post natel depression and i have to look after the children

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