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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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Providing basic infrastructure is not supporting us, it's something we pay for through taxation. Presumably approx 50% of people pay more in taxation than they ever get back and so aren't supported at all.

Spending money on children might be a good investment, but unfortunately it also means supporting (in some cases) their work shy parents, and that's what people object to.

I already made the point that unfortunately cutting child benefit punishes the children as well as the irresponsible adults who can't afford to bring them up correctly. It's not a problem with an easy solution, but nor is particularly related to health assessments and whether someone is capable of work or not.


According to this people receive services from the state greater in value than the tax they pay up to about 70 per cent of the way up the income scale, so only 30 per cent pay more in tax than they receive in services.

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An interesting little snippet from that article though here


The Office for National Statistics' annual publication about the effect of taxes and benefits suggests that most people actually pay a similar share of their income in taxes when all taxes are taken into account, even up to the top 10 per cent as a whole.


Which doesn't alter the statement about the 70% threshold, but would be useful in other taxation debates.

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Well I've just done some quick stats. Based upon Rospa's figures of accidents and costs of an accident to the NHS by a group of statisticians at a UK university the total cost to the NHS of road accidents is £20 Billion add another £8.4 Billion for road repairs, maintainance etc and we're upto £28.4 Billion. We have yet to include the cost to the environment of the use of roads, in the form of emmisions, or the cost of production and destruction of a vehicle, couldn't find anty relevent stats, and I really have better things to do! Costs of policing the roads, costs to the state of the 2000+ fatal accidents. Based upon fuel + VAT producing £25.8 and Road Excise Duty bringing in £5.63 Total £30.4 Billion it leaves £2 Billion to pay for all the rest, give or take. Not seeing the pie yet!


So, you are claiming that the non-motoring public subsidises the motorist.


I'd suggest that the extra £2 Million comes from the motoring public, who like me, work hard and generate economic growth; paying my 40% income tax.



Could you let me know what extra taxes a non-motorist pays, that I don't?



PS with regards to child benefit, I have no problem giving up my child tax credits and my child benefit. I do, however, hope that it isn't wasted on scum who 'breed for benefits'.



PPS Cream, custard or ice cream?

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I reckon that if you stopped benifits then youd find a lot more people able to work.


Government should introduce a policy of not letting people on benifits have children, that way we could put a stop child poverty in the UK

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I reckon that if you stopped benifits then youd find a lot more people able to work.


Government should introduce a policy of not letting people on benifits have children, that way we could put a stop child poverty in the UK


And how would you implement and enforce such a draconian policy?


And how exactly would it solve child poverty? Is it not possible for someone to have a child whilst in employment and to then fall on hard times?

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I have a neighbour who is on long term disability has a disability parking space outside is house he as a gym built on to the back of is house we hear and see him training with weights every day and yet he is unable to work. wat gets my partner is when he says go and pay your tax has she is walking to work because even though were both working we cant afford a car strange set up we have in britain


And by not shopping him you're condoning his actions. Stop complaining, if it really bothered you, you could get it stopped.


If everyone who knew about a fraud shopped the perpetrators, eventually (yes it'd be Orwellian) fraudulent claims would stop being made.


yes i thought about it but same as our lass says when he puts the windows in and as a go at her and if we start trouble like one of the nice neighbours last year (doesnt live on street any more because of bullying and damage to his car) all is friends on the st get involed you no how the asians stick together




What is your neighbour's disability? I know people with disabilities, including missing limbs, who regularly weight train.


If you suspect that he is fraudulently claiming benefits, then you can easily report him completely anonymously. DWP has a website and phone number for anonymously reporting benefit cheats: Report a benefit cheat


You don't even need to give your name and address. There is no way anyone can know that you have reported your neighbour unless you tell them.

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7 years ago i was diagnosed with this.




i went for a medical check at the white buildings and after i did all the tests the doctor told me that i would never be able to work again because of the health and safety laws i would be breaking.i have applied for jobs and as soon as i tell them what is wrong with me i get turned down.Ive been for interviews at the dole office and they have told me there is nothing they can offer me to go to work.i want to go to work as i am board stupid,is it the benefits office or the health and safety rules that are stopping me from working.:huh::huh:

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


Sutton On Sea is depressing enough in its own right, you should get 500 quid a week plus three days off sex.:banana:

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I know two people, both staff nurses, who were diagnosed with Meniere's and still worked.

I think it depends on the frequency and severity of the attacks -but jobs like office work, shop work are suitable ... it's only jobs that involve driving or machine operation that could trigger a H&S issue.

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I know two people, both staff nurses, who were diagnosed with Meniere's and still worked.

I think it depends on the frequency and severity of the attacks -but jobs like office work, shop work are suitable ... it's only jobs that involve driving or machine operatoin that could trigger a H&S issus.


Exactly. It might be true that disability may stop some people doing some jobs but there's very few disabilities that stop you doing any job.


In that respect I would say that just about every person on sickness benefits is fit to work, it's just that the work needs to be something they are capable of doing.

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