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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


Where is your argument then? Why should us workers subsidise your scams?

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So let me get this straight your questioning why someone is legitimately claiming benefits and suggesting that she should try acting like your "dad" who has worked extraordinarily hard all his life despite a disibility WHILE FRAUDULENTLY CLAIMING BENEFITS

Well I've never heard anything like it in all my life. Your "fathers" work ethics are nothing to be proud of its disgusting.


I never sugested anything of the sort. Have you been drinking? :suspect:


What i questioned is why there was a problem with claiming JSA instead of disability allowance.


I would never condone anyone acting in the way my father does. If he wasn't my father i would have reported him myself. I have nothing to do with him and find what he does is disgraceful.


Can i suggest you read what i write in future please. Thank you :)

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


Go to the citizens advice bureau, if you haven't already, and don't let selfish, heartless <insert obscenity of your choice> tell you you aren't entitled. The government love targeting the mentally unwell because they are an easy target. It's easy to see a missing leg or blindness, it's difficult to see mental illness, usually until it's too late and depressed people rarely stand up for themselves and fight back. Hobsons choice if you are really depressed and don't fight for your benefits you don't get them. If you do stand up for your rights then you aren't depressed enough to get incapacity benefit.

Somebody I know was told he was inelligable for incapacity benefit because-:

1. He turned up to the interview!

2. He correctly filled in the form, which if he hadn't would have resulted in his benefits being stopped.

3 And best of all He fed his goldfish!!!!! For pitys sake feeding your goldfish proves you don't suffer depression!! Let's ignore the two attempts to commit suicide. Let's ignore the fact that he is being treat by the Mental Health unit, who considered him to be at serious risk. If he can feed a goldfish he can work.

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


Sorry mate but when I was 18 I was put on the sick indefinately without the need to sign on more regularly than once a year or so.


But after 4 years of that I met my now husband who encouraged me to go out and earn my own money, be independent and not expect anybody else to pick up my bills. It took him to encourage me to go out and fend for myself but I realise now that while I was still claiming benefits I was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it.


What happened with your missus is that she has been off work with some kind of sickness and when they saw her they had to assess whether that illness made her incapable of working regardless of whether she was pregnant or not. They have decided that she doesn't have an illness which would make her too ill to work but understand that she is pregnant so they are letting her off work until she has the baby.


Working actually makes you feel BETTER in a lot of cases of depression and helps you fill your time and deal with your problems. But that's okay just carry on sitting on your backside. If your missus is so poorly why is she getting pregnant at the drop of a hat? Do you not realise that there are an awful lot of people who would love to drop another sprog but can't afford to look after one but you just drop one whenever you feel like it because someone else will pay for it?

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And the citizens advice bureau will do what exactly?


I can tell you exactly what they will do because i have been there and one it.


They will organize a home visit. The person will come out and fill in all the relevant forms before advising you that 'due to you not needing help to bathe, dress, eat or function', that the chances of getting anything over the basic level one disability allowance is very slim.

You can always appeal of course.


You will probably be left with a mobility allowance and JSA.

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they have only given her 6 weeks grace, she faces another medical after that, they are saying she will be better when she has the baby, how do they know, they are already telling her to look at getting jobseekers allowance, shes got a 2 year old, a one year old and a new born and shes got to go on jobseekers, the rules are a joke!!!


I'm a bit confused here........I assume that your missus has worked in between her pregnancies and after the birth of the last one she suffered post natal depression? Not a nice condition I know but there are various degrees of sufferance.


I know pregnancies aren't allways planned and given that your partner has suffered post natal depression for the past 12 months then I assume this to be the case throughout this pregnancy?


Sometimes......and this is one of those times....I think that you have to take responsability for your own actions. The state has supported you/her throughout the past 12 months and you should be really appreciative of that. It isn't your rights though......it's a benefit and one that can't go on indefinately. Maybe you should just cut your losses now and stop trying to get the state to continue to support your increasing family.

Let your missus stop at home with her babies if thats what she wants. If you are working there are many other benefits to boost your income.


I hate sounding harsh but to be honest we are breeding a society of people who think that any crap that comes there way should be compensated by the welfare system!

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Sorry mate but when I was 18 I was put on the sick indefinately without the need to sign on more regularly than once a year or so.


But after 4 years of that I met my now husband who encouraged me to go out and earn my own money, be independent and not expect anybody else to pick up my bills. It took him to encourage me to go out and fend for myself but I realise now that while I was still claiming benefits I was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it.


What happened with your missus is that she has been off work with some kind of sickness and when they saw her they had to assess whether that illness made her incapable of working regardless of whether she was pregnant or not. They have decided that she doesn't have an illness which would make her too ill to work but understand that she is pregnant so they are letting her off work until she has the baby.


Working actually makes you feel BETTER in a lot of cases of depression and helps you fill your time and deal with your problems. But that's okay just carry on sitting on your backside. If your missus is so poorly why is she getting pregnant at the drop of a hat? Do you not realise that there are an awful lot of people who would love to drop another sprog but can't afford to look after one but you just drop one whenever you feel like it because someone else will pay for it?


Very well said Badlittlepup

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Sorry mate but when I was 18 I was put on the sick indefinately without the need to sign on more regularly than once a year or so.


But after 4 years of that I met my now husband who encouraged me to go out and earn my own money, be independent and not expect anybody else to pick up my bills. It took him to encourage me to go out and fend for myself but I realise now that while I was still claiming benefits I was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it.


What happened with your missus is that she has been off work with some kind of sickness and when they saw her they had to assess whether that illness made her incapable of working regardless of whether she was pregnant or not. They have decided that she doesn't have an illness which would make her too ill to work but understand that she is pregnant so they are letting her off work until she has the baby.


Working actually makes you feel BETTER in a lot of cases of depression and helps you fill your time and deal with your problems. But that's okay just carry on sitting on your backside. If your missus is so poorly why is she getting pregnant at the drop of a hat? Do you not realise that there are an awful lot of people who would love to drop another sprog but can't afford to look after one but you just drop one whenever you feel like it because someone else will pay for it?


Brilliant, and what employer is going to say "You suffer from Depression, brilliant! what we desperately needed in ourr business is somebody who is severely depressed! You got the job!!" Get real!

Exactly how is being turned down, however many times a week you apply for a job, going to improve your self image. Or is it, much more likely going to spiral your low to non existant self image into .... Yes working will in most cases improve your self image and reduce the effects of depression but not everybody is LUCKY enough to have a partner prepared to help out like you did.

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Brilliant, and what employer is going to say "You suffer from Depression, brilliant! what we desperately needed in ourr business is somebody who is severely depressed! You got the job!!" Get real!

Exactly how is being turned down, however many times a week you apply for a job, going to improve your self image. Or is it, much more likely going to spiral your low to non existant self image into .... Yes working will in most cases improve your self image and reduce the effects of depression but not everybody is LUCKY enough to have a partner prepared to help out like you did.


Perhaps badlittlepup thought Rich ought to help his mrs? He believes her fit and well enough to have a child a year these last three years, and I assume she takes a active role in raising them whilst he works? Maybe she just needs to have a new focus?

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