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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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7 years ago i was diagnosed with this.




i went for a medical check at the white buildings and after i did all the tests the doctor told me that i would never be able to work again because of the health and safety laws i would be breaking.i have applied for jobs and as soon as i tell them what is wrong with me i get turned down.Ive been for interviews at the dole office and they have told me there is nothing they can offer me to go to work.i want to go to work as i am board stupid,is it the benefits office or the health and safety rules that are stopping me from working.:huh::huh:


It's a pain I know - I used to have it but it resolved on it's won for no apparantly good reason. It was depressing as anything whilst I had it not knowing what the prognosis was.


Any chance you cannot retrain? I never found any problems working in an office with it and for that sort of work my employers at that time didn't care as it wasn't a likely problem. I can understand if you work at height or with heavy plant it would be an issue but it's not going to stop you from everything.

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The public are not privy to the medical history of all DLA claimants and therefore cannot make a generalised statement that 'most' are swinging the lead.... however I think we are all savvy enough to differentiate the genuine 'can't work' from the 'no intention of working' amongst our friends and acquaintances.

I know 2 people who are practically immobile in England but can miraculously last 14 days of boozing and dancing in Benidorm. Their walking sticks become superfluous to requirements in the sun and the necessity for a parking space right next to the supermarket entrance in England disappears as they stroll along the seafront from one bar to the next.

Who do they think they're kidding..... only themselves IMO.

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The public are not privy to the medical history of all DLA claimants and therefore cannot make a generalised statement that 'most' are swinging the lead.... however I think we are all savvy enough to differentiate the genuine 'can't work' from the 'no intention of working' amongst our friends and acquaintances.

I know 2 people who are practically immobile in England but can miraculously last 14 days of boozing and dancing in Benidorm. Their walking sticks become superfluous to requirements in the sun and the necessity for a parking space right next to the supermarket entrance in England disappears as they stroll along the seafront from one bar to the next.

Who do they think they're kidding..... only themselves IMO.


I know a couple like that and I have never understood why they go to the hassle of walking round with walking sticks when they don’t need them, if they put the same effort into working instead of faking they would earn a good living.

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Do you own a car perhaps? Why should people who walk and cycle pay for the damage to the environment, the cost of road traffic accidents that car drivers are responsible for? Perhaps we should have the NHS charge the owners of cars the costs involved in injuries caused by accidents involving road vehicles? Or is that different? Perhaps then we will have fewer feckless car drivers with no consideration for the damage they cause to the environment expecting everybody else to pay for their privelige of driving.


Think about who benefits from roads and road transport and think about who pays for it, you will realise that the people that benefit are the ones that pay, I doubt there is anyone that contributes that doesn’t benefit.

The car drivers go to work and pay tax so the ones that can’t work can have some benefits, everything you consume as probably been transported on the road and been produced by someone that travelled to work by road, if you need to be transported to hospital it will be by road.

Everyone benefits from the road and transport network but not everyone contributes.

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Do you own a car perhaps?

I do.

Why should people who walk and cycle

Oh right. I own a pair of legs and a bike as well. Does that create a problem for you?

pay for the damage to the environment, the cost of road traffic accidents that car drivers are responsible for? Perhaps we should have the NHS charge the owners of cars the costs involved in injuries caused by accidents involving road vehicles?

You mean in the way that they do... Insurance companies pay the bills of course.

Or is that different? Perhaps then we will have fewer feckless car drivers with no consideration for the damage they cause to the environment expecting everybody else to pay for their privelige of driving.

Feckless car drivers who as already discussed pay for the privilege? And if there was a shortfall as you suggest, who presumably are paying income tax and vat and all the other forms of taxation that would cover this shortfall...


I think maybe we did this one to death as you dropped it, but I still want to know if you honestly though that falsely claiming benefits and driving a car were comparable behaviours?

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I agree with bad little pup, I was diagnosed with severe depression and I had a heart problem that the doctors couldn't figure out, they said I could of gone off sick and claim for that but I was really against it, I think if you're actively looking for work, even voluntary work it's getting you out of the house and out of the cycle of your depression, You need to do it for yourself and maybe this is what she needs? a kick in the right direction, no one else can make her feel better she needs to do it for herself and more importantly for your kids especially if she's pregnant.



I know I refused to go on sick because I'm stubborn to the fact that although I had my health problems I was still able to go to work even if it was part time, I find it disgusting how people can abuse the system and let other people pay for them, I felt bad enough being on job seekers for a few months even though I've worked since I was 16!


I'm 23 now and still find it terrible, How can people have kids and rely on benefits when you're both perfectly able to work?? what kind of role model is that to any kid?? I would be ashamed in all honesty if I knew I was able 2 work but hid away behind something I know I could beat.

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Think about who benefits from roads and road transport and think about who pays for it, you will realise that the people that benefit are the ones that pay, I doubt there is anyone that contributes that doesn’t benefit.

The car drivers go to work and pay tax so the ones that can’t work can have some benefits, everything you consume as probably been transported on the road and been produced by someone that travelled to work by road, if you need to be transported to hospital it will be by road.

Everyone benefits from the road and transport network but not everyone contributes.

Yeah but without the hard labour of the working people constructing those roads all the pen pushers and toffs wouldn't get to work which means we are all essential to society and should be respected and valued likewise.

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Yeah but without the hard labour of the working people constructing those roads all the pen pushers and toffs wouldn't get to work which means we are all essential to society and should be respected and valued likewise.


You have made a point that I haven’t disagreed with, and I agree that most people are essential to society but I wouldn’t agree that all people are essential to society.

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The system will let you, its the fact that you want to earn money and receive benefits at the same time that you're constantly whingeing about. If you're fit to work voluntary posts whilst claiming benefits, you're fit to stop claiming and go out and earn money.


DLA has nothing to do with whether you can work. Its about your care and mobility needs.

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You have made a point that I haven’t disagreed with, and I agree that most people are essential to society but I wouldn’t agree that all people are essential to society.


No single person is essential though, and the bigger the pool of similar labour that someone could be replaced with, the less essential they are.

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