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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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Perhaps badlittlepup thought Rich ought to help his mrs? He believes her fit and well enough to have a child a year these last three years, and I assume she takes a active role in raising them whilst he works? Maybe she just needs to have a new focus?


Firstly if Rich is woirking why has his missus got to go on JSA.

Secondly it is arrogant in the extreme for badlittlepup to assume that just because she conquered her depression by getting work that she has some right to say that that is how everybody else should do it. Depression isn't like chicken pox there is no 'one size fits all' cure and just because she was 'was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it' doesn't mean that will work for Rich's missus.

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Firstly if Rich is woirking why has his missus got to go on JSA.

Secondly it is arrogant in the extreme for badlittlepup to assume that just because she conquered her depression by getting work that she has some right to say that that is how everybody else should do it. Depression isn't like chicken pox there is no 'one size fits all' cure and just because she was 'was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it' doesn't mean that will work for Rich's missus.


I think you are getting your knickers in a twist in all honesty :)


Lets get back on track eh?


Rich's first point was to ask why his partner was declared fit to work while being 36 weeks pregnant and suffering from PNT.


In my opinion this was a mix up and she should not have been classed as fit to work at this moment in time.



they are already telling her to look at getting jobseekers allowance, shes got a 2 year old, a one year old and a new born and shes got to go on jobseekers, the rules are a joke!!!


This is the part where i become confused. As far as i know JSA is the best way to go if you are not working. You receive full benefits for all 3 children and both partners as long as they are not working (something still to be cleared up by rich).


The only reason i can see this being a problem is if rich is indeed working and the family were previously gaining disability benefits on top of rich's wages before.

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I never sugested anything of the sort. Have you been drinking? :suspect:


What i questioned is why there was a problem with claiming JSA instead of disability allowance.


I would never condone anyone acting in the way my father does. If he wasn't my father i would have reported him myself. I have nothing to do with him and find what he does is disgraceful.


Can i suggest you read what i write in future please. Thank you :)



You should still report him - you admit your relationship isn't good because you haven't seem him for a long time so no relationship to spoil by reporting him. You are condoning this fraud by not reporting it

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they have only given her 6 weeks grace, she faces another medical after that, they are saying she will be better when she has the baby, how do they know, they are already telling her to look at getting jobseekers allowance, shes got a 2 year old, a one year old and a new born and shes got to go on jobseekers, the rules are a joke!!!




I take it you will be doing additional hours at work, or perhaps taking on another job in order to have additional money for the new arrival?


or are you expecting everyone else to pick up the tab?

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Sorry mate but when I was 18 I was put on the sick indefinately without the need to sign on more regularly than once a year or so.


But after 4 years of that I met my now husband who encouraged me to go out and earn my own money, be independent and not expect anybody else to pick up my bills. It took him to encourage me to go out and fend for myself but I realise now that while I was still claiming benefits I was completely physically and mentally capable of working but just needed someone to give me the kick up the **** to do it.


What happened with your missus is that she has been off work with some kind of sickness and when they saw her they had to assess whether that illness made her incapable of working regardless of whether she was pregnant or not. They have decided that she doesn't have an illness which would make her too ill to work but understand that she is pregnant so they are letting her off work until she has the baby.


Working actually makes you feel BETTER in a lot of cases of depression and helps you fill your time and deal with your problems. But that's okay just carry on sitting on your backside. If your missus is so poorly why is she getting pregnant at the drop of a hat? Do you not realise that there are an awful lot of people who would love to drop another sprog but can't afford to look after one but you just drop one whenever you feel like it because someone else will pay for it?




Well said - there is a massive amount of evidence to say that work is good for mental health to back up your personal story

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?



I've commented on a few of the other posts now back to yours...


- Depression (Post Natal or otherwise) is a horrible condition. I know because I have had it for 15 years and been on lots of medication for the last 7 years - still take 2 types of antidepressants daily and have had 27 sessions of CBT (a form of therapy) over the last 7 months.


- However, apart from 5 months off work when I became very ill six years ago I have worked full time, in a senior role. It is possible to work with depression.


- Post Natal Depression is serious but with the correct medication and counselling usually responds well to treatment


- Your Wife has been assessed as fit for work. She should be taken off Incapacity Benefit and put onto Maternity benefits. When these finish she could claim JSA - if she can honestly say she is seeking work with small children and a baby to look after


- it was your decision to have a new baby - you shouldn't expect the state to continue to pay Incapacity Benefit if your Wife is off work through Pregancy / New Baby


- If you need extra money on top of your £23k, £200+ month child benefit then you could look for an extra job

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