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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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I cant stand people like you,live and let live for gods sake.you would do better to look at the bloody politicians and bankers on the fiddle than some poor sod trying to get by.:mad:


I can't stand people like you, you'd stand by and let someone defraud us all.


I wouldn't care whether it's a politician, banker, or taxi driver on the fiddle, it's all theft, and it should all be reported and stopped.

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One of my friends works in this sector (employability) and one of the client groups are man on incapacity.


Believe me, you have never seen such a bunch of spineless waisters. All on anti depressants, all with never ending excuses, and all with there money to spend at weatherspoons getting drunk all day.


If money was cut, it could be a blessing in disguise. It would mean less money to spend at the pub, and so could concentrate the mind on what is important.


These men have been given far too much money simply to wee it up against the wall, the sooner the money tap is turned off then the better


this is why i advocate the use of a special debit card for those on benefits. the card should only be available to buy products you need to survive, food etc and will not work in places like pubs or betting shops.

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this is why i advocate the use of a special debit card for those on benefits. the card should only be available to buy products you need to survive, food etc and will not work in places like pubs or betting shops.


So your ok with stigmatising someone then,how facist are you,thank god your not in goverment.

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And I know people who fiddle thier taxes does that mean everybody does? You were lucky. you had a job and were able to work your way through your illness, and that is what depression is, an illness. I work with refugee's I know someone who was so depressed he took a can of petrol into a clinic and poured it over himself and threatened to set himself on fire to get something more than a helpline number. I've had depression so bad I actually thought my kids would be better off without me and did something really stupid (at the time it just seemed the easiest way out). Just because some people take advantage of the system shouldn't mean that the system should ignore those who are REALLY ill, in spite of the fact that illness might not be visible.


I think you forget that the thread is about Rich, and his choice not to work and yet have three children in close succession with a woman he now claims to be ill... This isn't a real thread - Rich can't even be bothered to come back on and see if he ignited any strong opinions... If you don't believe me, reread the thread and you'll see...

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


I really feel for your OH as it happened to me


i had to sit the so called medical and was sick in the bin at the time due to bad morning sickness, was not able to touch my toes when asked and was very emotional, i failed - however at 31 weeks you can claim income support so have done that instead of ESA/JSA.. its a joke you have to get 15 points to qualify (just to make sure you pay your "stamp duty" so to speak) even if your own GP as said you cant work due to being ill (pregnant or not) they dont take your blood pressure or actually examine you, i was uncomfortable in a room unacompanied when the so called doctor was a man.


i know being pregnant does not make you automatically too ill to work but i lost over 2stone in weight when i was 3-4 months (my sickness only stopped at 7months) as i could not eat anything, kept passing out and was very depressed, work let me go as i was health and safety risk incase i collapsed making my situation worse..

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the government have said there going to reduce the number of people on long term sick and make them available to work, a recent study says 25% of people on sick were able to work, well just to let you know its a joke! there not even asseseing people correctly now to make the figures correct!!, my missus has suffered post natal depression for the last 12 months, she has recently had a medical and been deemed fit to work, she is 36 weeks pregnant, when they rang to tell her, they didnt realise she was pregnant even though she put this in the form she filled in and was asked this at the medical,so beware its a lucky dip,shouldnt they get there facts right before they make a decision?


You're right to say that the new system that is supposed to assess people's ability to work is a joke.


Atos, the company which has devised the automated programme has been deluged with complaints from people. At the centre of the complaints seem to be the fact that the automated system doesn't take into account the idiosyncratic way in which illness impacts on the individual. Which when you think about it is pretty stupid as no two people or their circumstances are the same.

Your wife's depression is a good example of this. And she is not alone. People with autism, cancer (terminal) have been found fit and able to work. One man who has a hereditary degenerative eye condition leading to blindness was told by Atos that "the client's level of disability would be expected to improve with time and appropriate treatment".

Given that 40% of initial cases by the new system are overturned on appeal it does seem that the system is clearly flawed.

That Atos are being given a £100 million per year to trial the system, they are hardly the ones that are going to be complaining - it's the people dependent on benefits that are at the rough end. Some lose money they can ill affford if they are deemed fit for work - even if they are patently not.

And those that are deemed fit for work are often sent to companies that are given a hefty financial incentive to find people employment - often temporary.

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they have only given her 6 weeks grace, she faces another medical after that, they are saying she will be better when she has the baby, how do they know, they are already telling her to look at getting jobseekers allowance, shes got a 2 year old, a one year old and a new born and shes got to go on jobseekers, the rules are a joke!!!


thats not acurate as at 31 weeks you can claim income support and stay on this unitl your child is 5 years old unless its lowered again, they cant make you go back to JSA or ask you to look for work!


you need to contact CAB

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So your ok with stigmatising someone then,how facist are you,thank god your not in goverment.


why do those who cannot have a sensible discussion and probably lack the mental capability always resort to the nazis and facism to try and win an argument. it doesn't work, it just makes you sound stupid.


do you even know what fascism is? is the USA fascist? no, they have "food stamps" for those on low incomes etc. its not wrong to expect the hard earned tax of those working for a living to be spent on what is needed by those who are down on their luck.


tell me why exactly it is ok to spend handouts on things like alcohol and gabling please?

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I gave my home up to pay for court to see my kids after my wife and I split up. I missed a trick, what I should have done is quit work and had a baby with my current partner to pay to see my exsisting two children by using the benifit system. DAMN !


I would have got my rent and council tax paid for, received legal aid and got extra spends for little luxuries. Oh how I feel I have missed that one now.


How could I have been so blind.

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why do those who cannot have a sensible discussion and probably lack the mental capability always resort to the nazis and facism to try and win an argument. it doesn't work, it just makes you sound stupid.


do you even know what fascism is? is the USA fascist? no, they have "food stamps" for those on low incomes etc. its not wrong to expect the hard earned tax of those working for a living to be spent on what is needed by those who are down on their luck.


tell me why exactly it is ok to spend handouts on things like alcohol and gabling please?


Because we live a in a free country and what people spend money on is up to them,unless of course you want to go down the facist route and tell people what to do and think?

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