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Being declared fit to work by the benefits agency

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Personal freedom is the cornerstone of a democratic and free society,telling people what they can and cant spend money on is facist and dictatorial.


I disagree. If you are living in a democracy then by definition you have subscribed to the concept of a democracy. That means you agree to live by the rules voted on by the popular majority.


No democracy is every truly free, it's just that a democracy is the least unfree of all the over government systems that have currently been tried.

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My philosophy is this. I don't care about other ordinary people, I don't care if they work or not, pay their tax or not, its not a problem to me. If you spend all your time with your face screwed up, worrying that someone is up to something they shouldn't, it just sucks all the energy out of you and you become a bitter old get..


The government need to worry about it though. I don't worry about it, I can have an opinion on many things without worrying about them...

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No I simply dont go along with neo con thinking,you ought to try some compassion for people struggling and think yourself lucky that there for the grace of god goes me.


you are confusing free money with compassion, they are not the same. if by being on benefits you had to fore go the majority of luxuries, then maybe less people would see it as a career path and get themselves into the work force so they can have such luxuries.


its not compassionate to create an entire class that has no way of working or supporting themselves. you could say its cruel.

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I will suggest what i like!

If you don't like what i post tough!


It's amazing how all these poor tortured souls bypass many a SAFE country,to get to the UK.


How do you know he did? The arrogance and ignorance you show is frightening! You know nothing about him. You suggest you have the right to post what you want well that works both ways. Youer post is an almost perfect example of bigoted, racist ignorant thinking. It shows a lack of compassion that borders on the cruel. Do you rip the legs off puppies for pleasure? and to quote you If you don't like what I post TOUGH Now see who goes whining off to the moderators?

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Originally Posted by shane39 View Post

I will suggest what i like!

If you don't like what i post tough!


It's amazing how all these poor tortured souls bypass many a SAFE country,to get to the UK.



How do you know he did? The arrogance and ignorance you show is frightening! You know nothing about him. You suggest you have the right to post what you want well that works both ways. Youer post is an almost perfect example of bigoted, racist ignorant thinking. It shows a lack of compassion that borders on the cruel. Do you rip the legs off puppies for pleasure? and to quote you If you don't like what I post TOUGH Now see who goes whining off to the moderators?


Sorry for butting in but if someone fled their homeland after being tortured and arrived in the UK it is very likely they did bypass many safe countries.


It’s very unlikely that one of the countries next to the UK tortured one of its citizens.

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Sorry for butting in but if someone fled their homeland after being tortured and arrived in the UK it is very likely they did bypass many safe countries.


It’s very unlikely that one of the countries next to the UK tortured one of its citizens.


Firstly I have no intention of telling you, or anyone else here, how he arrived in the UK. It is none of anybodys business, outside of the home office and him. It is upto the home office to decide whether he is entitled to Asylum not any of unpleasant ....... who seem to blame Asylum seekers for EVERY single problem of the UK. The fact is that, whether the bigots of this world like it or not, we accept Asylum seekers based upon their circumstances not whether they come from one of the countries bordering us.

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Firstly I have no intention of telling you, or anyone else here, how he arrived in the UK. It is none of anybodys business, outside of the home office and him. It is upto the home office to decide whether he is entitled to Asylum not any of unpleasant ....... who seem to blame Asylum seekers for EVERY single problem of the UK. The fact is that, whether the bigots of this world like it or not, we accept Asylum seekers based upon their circumstances not whether they come from one of the countries bordering us.
There only here for one thing and its not the weather I'm sure of that.
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Firstly I have no intention of telling you, or anyone else here, how he arrived in the UK. It is none of anybodys business, outside of the home office and him. It is upto the home office to decide whether he is entitled to Asylum not any of unpleasant ....... who seem to blame Asylum seekers for EVERY single problem of the UK. The fact is that, whether the bigots of this world like it or not, we accept Asylum seekers based upon their circumstances not whether they come from one of the countries bordering us.


No one has asked you to, you didn't even need to tell us about him in the first place, the fact that you did implies you wanted to discuss him, and you asked this question “how do you know he did?” I was just answering; if he has been tortured in his home country then he has obviously passed through, round or over safe countries to get here, unless he teleported. The fact that this is allowed in my opinion is a fault with the system, and absolutely gives us the right to try and solve the problems in the country he is from.

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