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Can The Taxman find you at an address if you Declare Yourself "Homeless" ?

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Basically , lets just say for example , someone deliberatly makes themselves "Under The radar " for example , and only uses a mailing address for their post , but as far as Government agencys are concerned has dissapeared , can they be traced to a different address where they are actually living on the quiet .?


A strange one i know , but if this person dosnt claim benefits , isnt employed and dosnt pay tax or stamp , isnt on the electorial register and just makes their own way in life and makes their own money , is there any other way they can be traced to their "actual " proper address. ?

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if they are "making their own money" they they should be paying tax, ni and possibly collecting vat, eventually such a person will be identified, investigated and dealt with.


they will also be liable to pay council tax wherever they are actually living and avoiding payment will eventually lead to discovery and court.


they will also need gas, water, electricity, bank accounts and all the other necessities of life.


possibly someone in the middle of nowhere, growing their own food, making their own clothes and stuff with a small wind or water power generator could escape notice but they would have a very solitary, isolated existence

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Money would have to be coming from somewhere even if they were only living on a survival subsistence. I guess if they did find whoever and the only assets they had was a few quid in their pocket I don't think they would put a lot of effort into that person. Some really big fish out there which I think their more likely to focus on.


Taxman maybe the one with the answers.

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I think people should have the choice whether to participate in the system, or make there own way in life.


I say, you can get away with it if you want. Screw them. You enjoy your hard earned money. We can't afford to have kids yet because we are too busy paying tax for the scrounging scrubbers who pop them out anyway, and call themselves parents.

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this is based on a conversation i had with a mate yesterday . Basically he is heavily in debt ,and cant afford to go bankrupt ,so has decided to "vanish" ,so to speak, in an effort to throw the debt collectors off his scent.


He lost his job ,so is basically earning a few quid in order to survive ,and just keeps himself to himself. Personally i have no problem in him doing this ,as he has paid into the system for over 35 years non stop . He isnt taking anything out of the system either .



His only worry is if he has covered his tracks 100% ,which he thinks he has ,as no one has found him so far.

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this is based on a conversation i had with a mate yesterday . Basically he is heavily in debt ,and cant afford to go bankrupt ,so has decided to "vanish" ,so to speak, in an effort to throw the debt collectors off his scent.


He lost his job ,so is basically earning a few quid in order to survive ,and just keeps himself to himself. Personally i have no problem in him doing this ,as he has paid into the system for over 35 years non stop . He isnt taking anything out of the system either .



His only worry is if he has covered his tracks 100% ,which he thinks he has ,as no one has found him so far.


so really what your saying is that he is trying to avoid facing up to his responsibilities

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