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Can The Taxman find you at an address if you Declare Yourself "Homeless" ?

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Basically , lets just say for example , someone deliberatly makes themselves "Under The radar " for example , and only uses a mailing address for their post , but as far as Government agencys are concerned has dissapeared , can they be traced to a different address where they are actually living on the quiet .?


A strange one i know , but if this person dosnt claim benefits , isnt employed and dosnt pay tax or stamp , isnt on the electorial register and just makes their own way in life and makes their own money , is there any other way they can be traced to their "actual " proper address. ?


Did you fill in your census?

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Well ,he dosnt use cash machines as he works solely cash in hand ,so nothing goes through his bank, so to avoid a paper trail that way . the only thing he is having problems with is his driving licence ,as dvla refuse to change the address on his licence to that of a mailing address , even though he dosnt live at the property shown on his licence anymore.


So he's going to be driving an unlicensed car / van before long. He'll have the same problem with the MOT and insurance within the next year.


A good time to 'fess up?

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Fascinating! Somebody who builds up debts that we are ALL going to have to pay off, it's like insurance we have to pay for all those uninsured drivers on our premium, the banks/credit card companies do the same with defaults we all pay. Who is working cash in hand and therefore evading tax that we ALL are going to have to make up, and everybody is coming out of the woodwork with helpful advice yet the thought of a poor person daring to have children requiring you to pay taxes and the venom hits the fan. The hypocrisy is really fascinating

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People can always disappear if they put their mind to it.


HMRC systems and records are dependent upon information being received, eg P14, P45/P46, change of address notification, etc. We can also search electoral rolls and do reverse telephone number lookups but we aren't psychic and people can relatively easily stay off the radar if they want to.

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How long a sentence would you get for this sort of thing?


I highly doubt it would be a case of "you've been found, pay up".


Taking money from people with no intention of paying it back, avoiding council tax (which contributes to the raise in council tax) and avoiding income tax.


You think it's OK because "he has paid into the system"? Does that mean anything goes as long as you've paid a bit of tax?


How is this person paying rent?


Surely going bankrupt would be less damaging than hiding for 6+ years?

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He needs to grow up and sort his problems out, because otherwise he's going to be looking over his shoulder all the time and living in a twilight world. He'll finish up giving himself stress problems or a heart attack:love:

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He only needs to avoid them for 6 years, after which time he wont have to pay them even if they do catch hold of him.


Unless he gets nabbed first.

A mate did this one a while ago. He decked out a garage with a bathroom and everything he needed to live, ran off without paying his bills and laughed about it.

The garage wasn't in his name and there no one official had the address.

He lasted about a year or maybe a bit less before he was traced. I assume he taxed his car or something but I'm unsure exactly how how he was nicked.

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He only needs to avoid them for 6 years, after which time he wont have to pay them even if they do catch hold of him.


Not true.


If we deem the behaviour to have been deliberate, rather than just careless, we can now go back 20 years.

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