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Can The Taxman find you at an address if you Declare Yourself "Homeless" ?

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Unless he gets nabbed first.

A mate did this one a while ago. He decked out a garage with a bathroom and everything he needed to live, ran off without paying his bills and laughed about it.

The garage wasn't in his name and there no one official had the address.

He lasted about a year or maybe a bit less before he was traced. I assume he taxed his car or something but I'm unsure exactly how how he was nicked.


A friend of mine has done it since 1985 when he left school. He first went on a skiing holiday, and never came back.....bummed round various ski resorts for about 15 years until he's knees gave in. He currently lives in a caravan somewhere in Kent...I don't know how he manages it really...he's got 2 kids. His girlfriend has a proper job now...she was a skier as well, but now works for the NHS.... but he's always managed to avoid the whole system.

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Basically , lets just say for example , someone deliberatly makes themselves "Under The radar " for example , and only uses a mailing address for their post , but as far as Government agencys are concerned has dissapeared , can they be traced to a different address where they are actually living on the quiet .?


A strange one i know , but if this person dosnt claim benefits , isnt employed and dosnt pay tax or stamp , isnt on the electorial register and just makes their own way in life and makes their own money , is there any other way they can be traced to their "actual " proper address. ?






why would the tax man investigate a homeless person?

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I'd be inclined to support individuals with such problems. It's bigger corporations like Arcadia, Boots, Tesco, and many high street banks that we should all be complaining about. These companies avoid paying huge amounts back into our systems every year but we're all too busy squabbling with each other to realise it and just let it happen. Please wake up..

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Not true.


If we deem the behaviour to have been deliberate, rather than just careless, we can now go back 20 years.



What if an individual had been doing this for 25 or 30yrs, where would they stand? Can they just walk through a tax office door and declare they've avoided, and expect no repercussion? My impression is the taxman would take this rather personally, egged on by the working man.


Fascinating subject this from a human point of view.

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I'd be inclined to support individuals with such problems..


REALLY! so if he gets ill is he entitled to use the national health system he hasn't contributed towards? What about all the council services he will inevitably end up using? 'Dole scroungers' get slagged off, yet this guy who is doing EXACTLY the same thing is applauded :loopy:

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What if an individual had been doing this for 25 or 30yrs, where would they stand? Can they just walk through a tax office door and declare they've avoided, and expect no repercussion? My impression is the taxman would take this rather personally, egged on by the working man.


Fascinating subject this from a human point of view.


If we deemed their behaviour to be deliberate we'd recoup from the last 20 years. Plus interest. Plus a penalty. A penalty can be 100% of the lost revenue but is usually abated, again depending on their behaviour.


There are also different rules for fraud and for criminal evasion rather than civil.

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Basically , lets just say for example , someone deliberatly makes themselves "Under The radar " for example , and only uses a mailing address for their post , but as far as Government agencys are concerned has dissapeared , can they be traced to a different address where they are actually living on the quiet .?


A strange one i know , but if this person dosnt claim benefits , isnt employed and dosnt pay tax or stamp , isnt on the electorial register and just makes their own way in life and makes their own money , is there any other way they can be traced to their "actual " proper address. ?


You obviously want to make money but not contribute to the system. If you are ill, where would you go for treatment, they would need to know your medical histoy,if you survive to retirement age, how would you claim a pension, questions would be asked.

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Not true.


If we deem the behaviour to have been deliberate, rather than just careless, we can now go back 20 years.


But here you are relying on obtaining proof of earnings to stand any chance of being able to touch him. Seeing as he works strictly cash in hand , no proof of earnings would ever be available.



If we deemed their behaviour to be deliberate we'd recoup from the last 20 years. Plus interest. Plus a penalty. A penalty can be 100% of the lost revenue but is usually abated, again depending on their behaviour.


There are also different rules for fraud and for criminal evasion rather than civil.


Yet again , someone who works strictly cash in hand will never leave the paper trail you require to get anywhere near then .


Id rather have someone like my mate ,who works hard for his money ,dosnt claim benefits and keeps himself to himself , rather then some bone idle scrounger who bleeds the benefits system dry and who hasnt done a days work in their life.

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