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My Fathers Change !

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My dear old dad was always a short tempered grumpy old sod,he was always right on every subject,he was old fashioned,set in his ways and not a man to cross!.He was over 6ft weighing in at 18 stones,not much of it fat,his hands were like shovels as the back of my head will vouch for,as he got older he got worse.Then as if by magic he changed into an old softy,the reason why?,my little daughter Sarah,from an early age she stayed at my parents at the weekend to give us a break as we had a second girl who was brain-damaged at birth.He spoilt her rotten whatever she wanted she got,it was unbelievable how he changed.he would torment her saying that when she went home our neighbours little girl was coming to stay,she used to lay into him to our amusement.When he dropped asleep in his chair she,d dress him up,put lipstick on him,I couldn,t get over how the old bugger changed!when Sarah was 8yrs old our old man contracted cancer and it finished him.After all the past we shared it broke me up,when I told my girl she went hysterical,it was one of the hardest things Ive ever done,I think his last years were the happiest thanks to my little lass!:):):)

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Iv always been a daddys girl and he was fab when I was a little girl ! He was fab mechanic and worked for GPO mending the red vans ! His parents were wonderful and I adored them so much ! We used to all go walking in Bluebell woods or Wooley Woods ! And I remember going for loads of walks with my Grandad and saw the M1 first being built and Grandad saying Oh lass there will be so much traffic going on there and how right he was ! Had many happy memories of 30 Deep Lane and watching Dad playing football for Shiregreen Amateurs.

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