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Do SF conspiracy theorists have GF's and jobs. ?

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It seems rather appropriate that vResistance had the final line on the now closed thread.


"Can you understand why I have trust issues ?"


We all have trust issues. I realised that when my sister denied eating my chocolate racing car whilst her lips were coated with the evidence.


Conspiracies do happen, people do tell lies, crimes are committed. This can happen on an organisational level. Most of us recognise that, but most of us have shared empathies with humans to recognise what the motivations are, and where the risks are. I know the moon landings weren't faked because of my shared human empathies, I know that if I was involved in such a fabrication I would be shouting it from the rooftops. My empathies with other humans make me realise I am not that different, so my actions would be copied many times in reality.


This isn't about trust, we grow up to manage trust, it's about paranoia. To think that there are secret plots being undertaken, with unknown motivations, by hundreds of thousands of conspirators with almost superhuman power and cunning is paranoia.


There are many people that follow conspiracy hypothesises because they think it's a bit of fun, but there must be many that get dragged into them because they have a paranoid personality disorder. It is the latter that I imagine without girlfriends or jobs. Indeed it is the latter who might believe that they are in some sort of paranoid Truman Show world, and their situation is the fault of 'outside agencies'. The blame lies with anything but themselves basically.



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If theres still an economy!


A mate of mine runs a scrape yard and he just had one of the best years ever, if you have brain and willing to work at it, you will make money as people still have to eat, dress etc etc, do you think toilet paper makers sales will fall because of recession? do they go to the toilet less


But selling luxury items or web design when the market is flooded already is not too bright imo in this coming recession

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And why do they get to be called conspiracy theorists?


I prefer the term conspiracy hypothesiser.

They don't theorise or even hypothesise. They just make claims.

Conspiracy Fans is more accurate in my opinion.

It's their hobby and the broad range of conspiracies they willingly latch onto supports this. If they genuinly believed wholly in just one of their topics, giving some kind of case for it, then we might be able to take them serioulsy and have a discussion.

Instead they readily tout any and all conspiracy theories, no matter how unrelated they are. Dabuckle Truthlogic even makes them up himself (ie, latest claim of Washington planning to attack Pakistan).

The conspiracy scene is just like any other (hobby) scene, car modding, online roleplaying etc. They are in their own little world with their hobby.


Who paints them?



I bet I could connect certain points up on any of your paintings with red lines to show pyramids and pentagrams.

We have shown you many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, if your too brain dead to put the pieces together then we can't help you.

This is more evidence of the fan mentality. It's a game to them. If they had proof and genuinely wanted to help us "WAKE UP!!!" they would have given it a long time ago.

Instead they prefer to start thread after thread after thread. Each one holds no possibilty for discussion as they make claims, give no case for it, avoid questions and hurl insults.

They love it.

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Seems the become prevalent at night, with their ramblings, hence the question.


Girl: Hi there

Conspiracy Fan: ............. hello

Girl: I noticed you read the Fortean Times!

CF: Who told you that?

Girl: You're reading it right now

CF: ................

Girl: Anyway I was wondering if you fancied going for a coffee, I'm waiting for a train that's not due for another hour

CF: You can't trust trains

Girl: Haha! Tell me about it! Anyway, do you wanna go for a coffee?

CF: ..................

Girl: Hmm?

CF: CAN YOU PROVE I DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl: Uhm.. no, that's why I'm asking you


Girl: .............

CF: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl: (walks away)

CF: (froths at mouth)

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To steal the words of H G Wells:


"Minds immeasurably superior to ours...vast, cool and unsympathetic."


It's not just paranoia, it's a deep seated arrogance as well.


Most of us just recognised that in this mess called humanity, most of us are just the same, and we just want to get on with our lives as best we can.


Not only are the conspiracy fans paranoid to believe that there are "minds immeasurably superior to ours", but they are arrogant enough to think that only they know the secret as well.


As I type this, it reminds me that believing in conspiracies is similar to believing in religions. In fact I bet a fair few conspiracy fans think that a man once flew up to heaven on a magic horse, or other similar nonsense, as well.



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Imagine being married to one


Wheres the jam?

The cia secretly killed it, heres a vid on youtube


dont, my other halfs like that, forever trying to get me to watch youtube vids and banning food from the house beause youtube told him to :roll:

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dont, my other halfs like that, forever trying to get me to watch youtube vids and banning food from the house beause youtube told him to :roll:


Then you should google "health warnings and dangers" of his favourite food and show him the results :hihi:

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By the way, the question "do conspiracy theorists have GF's and jobs?" assumes that conspiracy fans (see RootsBooster, I do take notice) are all male.


I suspect that is only 99% accurate. Poor boys.



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A mate of mine runs a scrape yard and he just had one of the best years ever, if you have brain and willing to work at it, you will make money as people still have to eat, dress etc etc, do you think toilet paper makers sales will fall because of recession? do they go to the toilet less


But selling luxury items or web design when the market is flooded already is not too bright imo in this coming recession


When oil prices have sky rocketed to the point that nothing can be imported or exported around the world it wouldn't matter if you had a high income if the shops are bare then the country will come to a stand still.


And it doesn't matter how many web design services are out there its the quality and price you set against your competitors.

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Then you should google "health warnings and dangers" of his favourite food and show him the results :hihi:


i would but hes down to just eating fruit, veg and meat as it is, convinced the governmant have put mind controlling substances in buiscuits and the like


luckily for me im a woman, were good at selective hearing

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