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Do SF conspiracy theorists have GF's and jobs. ?

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The question in the title of the thread doesn't point to anyone!


it was directed to "conspiracy theorists" by replying with more theorys have you not confirmed the question was towards you folks?


and its truthlogic who has now said you have no lifes before going off at a tangient about a pile of other people

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Why do people take things so seriously? its a forum for people to talk about different topics its a bit of light entertainment not life or death,I read some of the treads and posts and they are a bit silly and they always seem to be from the same avatars , so I just move on,I don't like talking about things I don't know about,so I would not make any snydy comments or start picking people up on there spelling like some on the forum do,when ever I have started a post the usual suspects turn up with there conceited and augmentative comments,as for conspiracy theorists are they just people with strong beliefs or people who have nothing better to do with there time or do they just like a good argument,my old Dad used to say it wouldn't do for us all to be the same.

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The Theory of Relativity was written in the early part of the 20th century. What part of that conflicts with my statement? Oh, it doesn't...


While your reading and comprehension skills are utterly lacking, clearly your omniscience has told you I don't have any qualifications and I'm really just a sad child still living in my mother's house...


That said, I'm fairly sure my comment about the recorded history of the world stand, unless anyone wants to directly contradict me...?


I'll happily and with great joy befriend absolutely anyone, but I won't stand for lies and intolerance and doom mongering. There's enough of that in the world already and you're simply spreading more of it.


The Theroy also being part of human knowlede and also being written down strengthens by statement !


You read it and automatically wrongly assocciated it with relgious texts !


However I do think there is something wrong with human nature when a women claims she rather see dogs than babies being born !


That's sad , as kids bring about a thousand times more joy and happiness than the most cute puppy ? What do you think karis ?

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The Theroy also being part of human knowlede and also being written down strengthens by statement !


You read it and automatically wrongly assocciated it with relgious texts !


However I do think there is something wrong with human nature when a women claims she rather see dogs than babies being born !


That's sad , as kids bring about a thousand times more joy and happiness than the most cute puppy ? What do you think karis ?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have a problem with comprehension. Where did I say, imply or otherwise mention religious texts? My post was really very clear, you are just doing your usual wheedling attempt to get out of being proven wrong...


And lastly, what do dogs have to do with anything? That's just a ridiculous thing to bring up. Are you trying to somehow make me seem less reasonable by making attempts to sully my character? If so, you're doing an abysmal job.


But, on that note, isn't it time you brought up my absolute and I "definitely said it" views on child murder?

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It's not light entertainment though, it's accusations and allegations/spreading untruths. There ARE some people who are vulnerable and will be sucked into this crap, for them it can ruin their lives in extreme cases.


Can I just reinforce this. This is cult mentality thinking and it needs to be stopped. I've seen people sucked into this kind of thing on many many occasions and I don't take it lightly at all.


Just look at the way these people argue and twist the truth to their own ends. It's really quite horrific!

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Why do people take things so seriously? its a forum for people to talk about different topics its a bit of light entertainment not life or death,I read some of the treads and posts and they are a bit silly and they always seem to be from the same avatars , so I just move on,I don't like talking about things I don't know about,so I would not make any snydy comments or start picking people up on there spelling like some on the forum do,when ever I have started a post the usual suspects turn up with there conceited and augmentative comments,as for conspiracy theorists are they just people with strong beliefs or people who have nothing better to do with there time or do they just like a good argument,my old Dad used to say it wouldn't do for us all to be the same.



I could not agree more ,


If we are just a bunch of kids having some fun , let us be or join in and have a debate in the correct manner !


Calling me names such as liar without telling me why is just silly and don't get you anywear


Being my personal spell check to me looks like a desperate attempt to deflect the argument away ,

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have a problem with comprehension. Where did I say, imply or otherwise mention religious texts? My post was really very clear, you are just doing your usual wheedling attempt to get out of being proven wrong...


And lastly, what do dogs have to do with anything? That's just a ridiculous thing to bring up. Are you trying to somehow make me seem less reasonable by making attempts to sully my character? If so, you're doing an abysmal job.


But, on that note, isn't it time you brought up my absolute and I "definitely said it" views on child murder?



No Karis I would never take a swipe at your character !


And what would give you the crazy idea that you put the right to bread dogs before babies ?



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