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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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Are old people bleeding the country dry.

I`ve just read a reply to this thread by Lucifer, and he brings in the term, blood transfusions. Well I`m retired and I have made 50 blood donations taking me to gold badge level. So some could argue that this could be the level of qualification at which state pension for the old, and benefits for the not so old, would be paid.

So come on all you benefit recipients and get down to the Blood Transfusion Service.

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Maybe if we shipped ALL foreign convicted criminals and those who have no right to be here back to where they came from, we could put the benefits saved back into our social service's.


Then our old and young who need help would get it. Likewise our old could receive a liveable pension.


It's probably never going to happen due to the multi-culti, tree hugging, plastic sandal wearing brigade. And the the state of the country's finances thanks to Bliar the war monger and Bottler Brown the incompetant.





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Somalians get no where near the benefits or support most old people receive.

Somalis should only get what is left over from our needy.


Nobody asked the Somalis to come here.


Were you asked if you wanted Somalins here? I certainly wasn't!

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Originally Posted by Green Web

As i predicted there is too many people ranting without actually reading what I made perfectly clear in my original post.


"now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living"

Your post was incorrect from the start, we do not come near the top of the league regarding pensions.

Many of the benefits available to pensioners are not disclosed openly and have to be researched.

My wifes elderly parents were living on £108 per week in the early 1990s until we found at that they were actualy entitled to another £163 per week due to their age and medical conditions.

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Maybe if we shipped ALL foreign convicted criminals and those who have no right to be here back to where they came from, we could put the benefits saved back into our social service's.


Then our old and young who need help would get it. Likewise our old could receive a liveable pension.


It's probably never going to happen due to the multi-culti, tree hugging, plastic sandal wearing brigade. And the the state of the country's finances thanks to Bliar the war monger and Bottler Brown the incompetant.






It's good to see more people coming on the forum and standing up to the lefty, tree hugger we'll spend your moneyn on anyone and anything as long as its not our own needy brigade.

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Many old people, even those who have rarely worked are entitled to full sate pension £137.35 per week, plus £250.00 every winter and £10 for every day it is below freezing, along with priority for social housing, full housing benefit for any almost size property, and many other benefits such as free travel, lunch clubs, free prescriptions, priority dental care, TV License and so on...


Yet the average young person is demonized as a no good scrounger, now if they're unfortunate to be unemployed they only receive a fraction of what an old person in same circumstances does, £46.85 per week, no HB unless it's in a shared house which are rarely even suitable for one human, no help with energy costs, no free travel, no free lunch clubs, TV license, prescriptions etc.


now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living.


There are also many elderly people that do pay council tax, dental treatment and don't receive the cold weather payment.

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It's good to see more people coming on the forum and standing up to the lefty, tree hugger we'll spend your moneyn on anyone and anything as long as its not our own needy brigade.


Ooh bassmans found a new friend (A friend)

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There are also many elderly people that do pay council tax, dental treatment and don't receive the cold weather payment.
And since Tory Bliar I now pay income tax on my company pension that I was encouraged to contribute to so wer'e still paying into the system.
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