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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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Unfortunately Bassman, you - like the rest of us - didn't 'pay into a system' there never was a system.


The money you (and all the rest of us) paid was never 'ring fenced' to pay for our care and pesnions later, it went straight into the government 'pot' and they spent it (and much more) besides.


There is NO pension fund. The money you paid in has been squandered. (A Ponzi scheme - but it's legal, because it was set up by the government and they make the laws.)


There is no money to pay pensioners. No fund, no nothing. The government took the money you paid in and pi88ed it against the wall. They didn't have to re-invest it on your behalf - they make the laws.


You can shut up and wind your neck in!


Unless - of course - you think otherwise.


We've seen revolting students recently. We've seen lots of other revolting (and often smelly) people , but when have we seen the Grey Party?


There are:

the Blues,

the Reds,

the Lavenders,

the Yellows

the Greens


... but where are the Greys?


I'm a lifetime member of AARP (The American Association of Retired Pharts.) I've been a member since I was 50 (and I wasn't retired back then!) They're not stupid! - They take members aged 50 and upwards because there are more people in the US aged 50+ than there are aged 18 (voting age) to 50. It makes them hugely influential.


How many people aged 50+ are there in the UK?


How does that compare with the number of voters who are under 50?


If somebody got around to forming a Grey Party and if that Party could attract (cutting across traditional party lines) support for 'grey matter' would there be a problem with support for the elderly?


Do the sums.


The reason that the 'elderly' (aged 50 upwards) get such a crappy deal in the UK is because they are not (yet) organised.


I do ordinarily request a discount from traders because of my age. (It doesn't work too well in pubs, ;)) It doesn't work too well in some shops - particularly those not accustomed to a grey-haired clientele [though Sheffield Motorcycles gave me a fiver off a tyre] but many are quite happy to take money off give discounts to old farts. They welcome the trade.


If we - the grey(ish) (and I'll include the baldies) haired people - the people aged 50 plus - were to gang together (and ignore the fact that in the past we might've supported a whole rainbow of colours on a pack of porkers) we might just be able to run the country.


And we might do a better job of it than Dick Camel-Egg or Wallace.

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You've no idea what you're talking about do you.
Haven't I? Maybe you never heard Harold Wilson expose these people who learnt how to work the system when income tax was first intruduced.

Wilson said that the whole of the Vesty family who owned the Dewhurst Butchers chain paid less tax per year the a single nurse.


That was just one example, it is a well known fact that the more money you have there is an accountant who can show you how to avoid much of the tax due on it.


Are you now telling me that there is no such thing happening, it was recently shown how much this scandal cost the british system?

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No, I'm telling you that just claiming that anyone who earns over 150k waves a magic offshore wand and doesn't pay any tax is a load of cobblers.

you can always see when someone has spat out the dummy.

I never said the above so you're now resorting to posting lies.


Show me where I said the following that you've posted in the quote above:-


claiming that anyone who earns over 150k waves a magic offshore wand and doesn't pay any tax is a load of cobblers
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Do you have memory problems?


Yep, I bet you're paying 50% income tax, right? But those rich bankers, they get special treatment and pay a lower rate?

Ofshore comes to mind, there is one rule for the upper echelon of earners and another for Jo Public.


What are you going to claim now, that you didn't mean anyone earning 150k or above (the threshold for the 50% rate of tax I'd mentioned). Or that you weren't claiming that the magic offshore wand stops them paying tax?


You said it, you were wrong.

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True. But they're just as batty.




You're not surely suggesting we have more wars just to make our youth feel as though they've contributed by sticking them on the front line.


Never crossed my mind.But hey! It's a great idea.One big messy conventional war.

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Green web one day you will be pension age what will you do then?

My dad is 85 and mom 79.

Dad worked full time at Presto tools he even got up went when he was feeling ill (he has only one lung) must have been hard for him.

My mom worked nights and coped with us kids in day.

I think they deserve every penny.

I find your post very hurtfull.:rant:

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Do you have memory problems?





What are you going to claim now, that you didn't mean anyone earning 150k or above (the threshold for the 50% rate of tax I'd mentioned). Or that you weren't claiming that the magic offshore wand stops them paying tax?


You said it, you were wrong.

Quote me, put up or shut up.!
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