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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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Yes, it IS pretty depressing getting old in the UK ----as I only know too well ! And THE most depressing thing is looking at anyone under 30 years of age in the street or in the media.


Some of the under-30 's look as if they 've just been released from a concentration camp---baseball caps, stubble, thin, blank-eyed and looking very unhealthy ; others behave like chimpanzees on speed----prancing round the streets causing every kind of mayhem one can imagine ; then, the self-pitying whiners, metaphorically, forever holding out their grubby paws for handouts ; the pop ' singers ', screeching tuneless rubbish, dressed like lunatics in a fashion sale ; footballers and other ' sportsmen ' hugging, kissing, crying every time they score a goal or jumping up waving their fists around, looking like they desperately need to get to lavatory...........and so the merry list goes on.......


What a bunch of sorry losers ! The sad thing is, these various moronic Youf are fawned over by middle-aged commentators.. et al... who should know better. [ Couldn 't be the money talking, could it ? ]


So, yes, it is sad to be getting old these days and since it 's only likely to get worse, many of us will be waving a happy ' Bye-ee ' when it comes the time to shake off this mortal coil. It will feel like the end of a boring and difficult exam.

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I think the poeple who are bleeding the country dry are the young who can't be bothered to work, who are breeding children with the same learned work-ethos.


Blaming old people is a cheap shot, in my opinion. Even if they were a bit work-shy, which few are in my experience, there's nothing you can do about it now. Can't mistreat them.


Instead I think the government should invest in the future and: reward young people who contribute to the system; remove benefits from those who don't; and provide for people that can't.


I'd put old people in the 'can't' category.

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I say round up all the able bodied work shy idlers and put them into military penal battalions like the Jerries and the Russians had back in WW2.


They could finally be found something useful to do like clearing land mines in Afghanistan

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I have to agree th U.K is bankrupt and so is the USA


we may be saved by being forced to join the euro, but only after the country has been ravaged.


The USA has squandered much of her money on fighting two useless wars, giving bilions and billions to the top five big oil companies and letting the wealthy get away with paying no taxes whatsoever.

It's also given away a few trillion in foreign aid over the decades.

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I say round up all the able bodied work shy idlers and put them into military penal battalions like the Jerries and the Russians had back in WW2.


They could finally be found something useful to do like clearing land mines in Afghanistan


Yeah, but people in wheelchairs would get blown up. I don't thing it's a good idea.

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There will be nothing left in 10 years time, havnt you work out no one will keep on lending us 10 billion each month and we dont pay it back


Thats why i have been putting money into my pension for years but if there is any chance i can get anything i'll have it so dont blame the old people for gettting what they can its the systems folt not the old people.

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