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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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In response to the OP, yes they are and should all be taken outside and shot in front of their families.


Price of lead is too high. Just cut their £200 winterfuel allowance and £80 gas benefit credit and the £25 (weekly) cold weather payments.


Then they can be resomated in an environmentally friendly manner and used as fertiliser.

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Since - from the comments on this forum - Socialism failed years ago and that which replaced it is a disaster - perhaps we should scrap the lot?


When you are born, let your parents look after you until you are (say) 25, marry/cohabit and have kids of your own. You then start looking after your kids. Your parents (who are now about 50) look after themselves and their parents (who are probably now about 75.


Each family looks after its own.


"Oh, but I didn't have children ... there will be nobody to look after me." Not a problem. You didn't have children so you saved the money you would have spent looking after them to provide for yourself in your old age, didn't you?


No allowances. No benefits. No taxes to pay for them either.


Pretty much like it was in 'the good old days'.

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No allowances. No benefits. No taxes to pay for them either.


Pretty much like it was in 'the good old days'.


So Dickensian Britain was the good old days, was it? As a citizen of Germany you should know Bismarck founded the first welfare state. Congratulations on being more socially conservative than Blood and Iron Bismarck.

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Since - from the comments on this forum - Socialism failed years ago and that which replaced it is a disaster - perhaps we should scrap the lot?


When you are born, let your parents look after you until you are (say) 25, marry/cohabit and have kids of your own. You then start looking after your kids. Your parents (who are now about 50) look after themselves and their parents (who are probably now about 75.


Each family looks after its own.


"Oh, but I didn't have children ... there will be nobody to look after me." Not a problem. You didn't have children so you saved the money you would have spent looking after them to provide for yourself in your old age, didn't you?


No allowances. No benefits. No taxes to pay for them either.


Pretty much like it was in 'the good old days'.


No we worked and paid taxes so that we would have state pension and did expect to have to subsidise everybody else and their kids. BTW the good old days had no state benefits

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old/retired people my be claiming state pension and some are on benefits. What do they do relax live off the state. No we have a whole army of volunteers giving up there time. Child care, looking after grand children, charity shop workers and other voluntary groups, often using there skills for free. The retired generation often contribute to society in some way untill the last few years of their lives.


we have some magnificent young people who are an example to us all. We also have young people who would do well to learn from the elderly,

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No we worked and paid taxes so that we would have state pension and did expect to have to subsidise everybody else and their kids. BTW the good old days had no state benefits


Never paid enough in, not even to cover current spending, let alone future spending for retirement.


Benefits have been around for hundreds of years.


It's all a bit funny anyway, because future production is what should be of concern, not historic prices in ye old yet to be devalued currency.

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Never paid enough in, not even to cover current spending, let alone future spending for retirement.


Benefits have been around for hundreds of years.


It's all a bit funny anyway, because future production is what should be of concern, not historic prices in ye old yet to be devalued currency.


No they haven't - prior to about 1920 there weren't any and there was also piece work which meant if you didn't make your quota you didn't get paid at all not even a basic wage.

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