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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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The sort of work many did in the past would kill today's younger generation; working 12 hour shifts in a steelworks, fabrication plant, or down a coalpit.


They really have no idea how tough it was. I can't think of anything to compare with it today.


Each generation adapts and adjusts to serve and do what is necessary, and they all think they had it tougher than the previous one but this is not always the case as I've previously proven.

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The topic is so obviously a peurile troll it is hardly worth sticking to.

His next one will be that old people should be banned from public transport because they smell of wee.

They are standard trolls on public forums.


If you can't debate then don't go accusing people of trolling, it only embarrasses you more and proves how weak your argument is.

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So old people such as Robert Mugabe, Myra Hindley, the Krays, Thatcher etc are all salt of the earth because they're now or was old?


Actually i didn't really have those people in mind.

There are a few exceptions though i suppose.

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