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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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But you keep mentioning how rude they are. Let me give you an example. I was mugged once. The person that mugged me was a typical down and out low life who hadn't worked a day in his life and likely never would. The taxes I pay keep that man alive yet he mugged me. Now where's the respect there? Should I then go on to think that all people on benefits don't deserve them and they can starve or work. No, I'm not that petty, I know the taxes I pay fund a system that looks after all the poor and needy.
I find them rude and disrespectful, just like I find some young ones rude and disrespectful. Are you just following me round to have a go? :roll:.
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My nan is 76 and worked all her life, She lived through the war, She has never received benefits before her retirement, She lives in a pokey council bungalow, I had to practically fight to get a ramp fitted for her so she could use her mobility scooter, The scooter she bought herself, I personally think she is entitled to her money, she has paid into the system, Anything she needs is always a battle, like the ramp, I ended up getting in touch with her local MP to sort that as the council wouldnt do it, Christmas just gone she was in hosp, it was when it was freezing, a pipe froze and burst in her bungalow, It took the council 2 days to come out and sort it even though all her belongings were being ruined! Thats disgusting, I think there are far more bigger drains on this country than the old people, Also majority of them have worked all their life!

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My nan is 76 and worked all her life, She lived through the war, She has never received benefits before her retirement, She lives in a pokey council bungalow, I had to practically fight to get a ramp fitted for her so she could use her mobility scooter, The scooter she bought herself, I personally think she is entitled to her money, she has paid into the system, Anything she needs is always a battle, like the ramp, I ended up getting in touch with her local MP to sort that as the council wouldnt do it, Christmas just gone she was in hosp, it was when it was freezing, a pipe froze and burst in her bungalow, It took the council 2 days to come out and sort it even though all her belongings were being ruined! Thats disgusting, I think there are far more bigger drains on this country than the old people, Also majority of them have worked all their life!
I know one person who has gone on to have another baby because she can't be bothered to work........ that is just lazy and rude. She is a real drain on the society.
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If they were more jobs around it would be perfect but sadly we don't live in a Disney movie.


Even if all the immigrants left. There would still be jobs not taken. We live in a society where a lot of people deem themselves to worthy for a lot of kinds of work.


I know one person who has gone on to have another baby because she can't be bothered to work........ that is just lazy and rude. She is a real drain on the society.


See what I mean. It's easier for some to wait 9 months for a bonus than to clean a few toilets in the evening.

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Even if all the immigrants left. There would still be jobs not taken. We live in a society where a lot of people deem themselves to worthy for a lot of kinds of work.




See what I mean. It's easier for some to wait 9 months for a bonus than to clean a few toilets in the evening.

She has openly admitted that she wanted more children so she doesn't have to work... don't know how she has the cheek.
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Many old people, even those who have rarely worked are entitled to full sate pension £137.35 per week, plus £250.00 every winter and £10 for every day it is below freezing, along with priority for social housing, full housing benefit for any almost size property, and many other benefits such as free travel, lunch clubs, free prescriptions, priority dental care, TV License and so on...


Yet the average young person is demonized as a no good scrounger, now if they're unfortunate to be unemployed they only receive a fraction of what an old person in same circumstances does, £46.85 per week, no HB unless it's in a shared house which are rarely even suitable for one human, no help with energy costs, no free travel, no free lunch clubs, TV license, prescriptions etc.


now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living.


I won't rant, but as an 'older person' I'll post a few facts.


The winter fuel allowance has been reduced to £200 by the current government, and if you are one of a couple, you get half ie, £100 each. As retired people are less likely to be out of the house as much, the heating allowance is a good thing. We also get free prescriptions. When my OH was very ill and on 7 different drugs, we had to pay for everything even though he was on IB - because I worked. So I don't feel bad about getting the odd prescription now. And I love my bus pass. :love: We don't get free dental care, and certainly don't qualify for a free tv licence. We'll have to wait for that. ;)


However, many of us oldies don't get the full state pension, the amount you quote includes pension credit which like so many other benefits, is means tested. Some of us don't qualify - not because we've been big earners, but because we have tried to take responsibility for our retirement. I have a state pension of less than half of the amount you quote, as I didn't work when my children were small (and we didn't get credits in those days for staying at home) and I paid a reduced rate NI contribution for a few years as I worked part time. My OH has a full state pension based on his contributions, but its less than £137 a week. However, I have a small occupational pension which takes us over the limit for things like the cold weather payments which are only given to those on means tested benefits.


We also pay our full council tax, and if we were in a rented house, we'd be paying rent too. As it is we downsized so we could afford to pay off our mortgage. We've worked most of our lives, often struggled to pay our bills, but we get less in state pension than a couple who may have earned more but spent as they went. I don't grudge the extra pension to those who haven't had the opportunity to save, or to contribute to an occupational pension.

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My nan is 76 and worked all her life, She lived through the war, She has never received benefits before her retirement, She lives in a pokey council bungalow, I had to practically fight to get a ramp fitted for her so she could use her mobility scooter, The scooter she bought herself, I personally think she is entitled to her money, she has paid into the system, Anything she needs is always a battle, like the ramp, I ended up getting in touch with her local MP to sort that as the council wouldnt do it, Christmas just gone she was in hosp, it was when it was freezing, a pipe froze and burst in her bungalow, It took the council 2 days to come out and sort it even though all her belongings were being ruined! Thats disgusting, I think there are far more bigger drains on this country than the old people, Also majority of them have worked all their life!
Todays pensioners including myself paid into the system right from the 1950s initialy for people who'd never paid, now it's our turn to take something out of the pot we're scroungers, a liability and a drain on national rescources.
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