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Are old people bleeding the country dry?

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Thanks Iuchi, good points ^ But most old folk who never took out a private pension or bought a property realise they've got it pretty darn good compared to the youth of the today, i sympathise far more with young unemployed than your average pensioner claiming state pension.


Young people do more voluntary work than any other age group, work and study longer hours than previous generations and get far more flack than any age group.


Very few working now have over £137 a week left to solely spend on food.


If I was a teenager today I'd be absolutely livid over what I hear. No, we can't afford to give you a free education, like the one we had , and all this "When I was young I worked 200 hours a week down't pit for a bar of choclate and a thrupany bit" Isn't that what we are trying to climb above? Isn't that the point of HAVING a safety net? so we don't HAVE to work for wages so low we have to decide who eats, us or the kids? So what if a small minority abuse the system, I'm sure there are as many pensioners out on cruises, or living it up abroad on state handouts as there are 'work shy' youths. Why is it OK for pensioners but not anybody else? Why is it OK for the majority to be penalised for the actions of a few? Would dog owners be happy if ownership of dogs were banned because of 'Chavs' using them as weapons and ignorant idiots allowing them to foul the paths? Yet we want the safety net for the young not EVERYBODY, pensioners won't lose their safety net, just the young, to be taken away to punish the workshy

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Many old people, even those who have rarely worked are entitled to full sate pension £137.35 per week, plus £250.00 every winter and £10 for every day it is below freezing, along with priority for social housing, full housing benefit for any almost size property, and many other benefits such as free travel, lunch clubs, free prescriptions, priority dental care, TV License and so on...


Yet the average young person is demonized as a no good scrounger, now if they're unfortunate to be unemployed they only receive a fraction of what an old person in same circumstances does, £46.85 per week, no HB unless it's in a shared house which are rarely even suitable for one human, no help with energy costs, no free travel, no free lunch clubs, TV license, prescriptions etc.


now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living.


We have been donating blood for years, so, now and then we need a transfusion, they government have noted what we have contributed and realise we need something back. The system works.

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Many old people, even those who have rarely worked

So to be clear, most have worked, and have paid tax and NI for their entire life.

are entitled to full sate pension £137.35 per week, plus £250.00 every winter and £10 for every day it is below freezing, along with priority for social housing, full housing benefit for any almost size property, and many other benefits such as free travel, lunch clubs, free prescriptions, priority dental care, TV License and so on...

Due them having worked their whole life and now having a restricted income in retirement.


Yet the average young person is demonized

No they aren't. You can't just make nonsense up to support an argument.

as a no good scrounger,

Maybe you're confusing average with dole bludging?

now if they're unfortunate to be unemployed
This group might be slightly demonised, so why not just say that in the first place.
they only receive a fraction of what an old person in same circumstances does, £46.85 per week, no HB unless it's in a shared house which are rarely even suitable for one human,

Look at you exaggerating again (and that's being generous).

no help with energy costs, no free travel, no free lunch clubs, TV license, prescriptions etc.

No need for those things, they aren't retired, they're unemployed, they don't have the health problems that come with age and they should be out looking for work, not going to lunch clubs.


now before you start ranting,

So you're allowed to rant, but nobody else is?

I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support,

Really, what exactly are you saying then?

but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living.

They've contributed a lot more than other groups.

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As i predicted there is too many people ranting without actually reading what I made perfectly clear in my original post.


"now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living"


Why are you comparing a pension and a safety net though.

A pension is supposed to be sufficient to live on after retirement.

Benefits aren't supposed to provide a comfortable life, they're a short term safety net until you can find work and earn your own money. Being on benefits below the age of retirement is not the equivalent of drawing the state pension, nor should it be. They're different things with different intentions.

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Yes and I wish I could have claimed all the benefits some, I say some, yolung people claim today, job seekers, child credit and working tax credfits, if working, income support, housing and council tax benefit, all repairs paid for. My husband and I have worked hard all our lives and saved for returement, only now there is not much interest on savings, can't sell our houses, final salary schemes woun d up, can't claim anything because we have too much privater pension coming in, I have to wait 2 years more for my pension bec ause I happen to have been born after 1950. Don't lump all old people as one, just as we shouldn;t lump all younger people as scroungers.
Where did I lump all old people as one???? :confused:.
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I`m ages 65 and don`t want to bore you with how different it was for the young unemployed back in 1961 when I first started work, although I`m sure we had it a lot easier than when my dad first left school and went looking for work. Yes, there were more jobs back then but there wasn`t the soft option of benefits that there is now, so I suppose that in itself was encouragement to find work.

Between leaving school and finding a job, every school leaver can be considered to be out of work. Its just a matter of how much the young unemployed want to work. There are some who can`t be bothered to work and are content to live off benefits, their excuse is that they can`t find a job. Meanwhile they see elderly retired people seemingly better off than themselves and decide to verbally attack them in retaliation for their own sad plight.

Then there are those young unemployed who attend night school and college courses in order to acheive qualifications, and who get themselves on employment courses. They visit libraries and carry out research on how to get a job. They look up addresses of their local employers and find out what that employer will be looking for. Then they print out their CV`s and offer them to prospective employers. Tell me, which one are you?

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Many old people, even those who have rarely worked are entitled to full sate pension £137.35 per week, plus £250.00 every winter and £10 for every day it is below freezing, along with priority for social housing, full housing benefit for any almost size property, and many other benefits such as free travel, lunch clubs, free prescriptions, priority dental care, TV License and so on...


Yet the average young person is demonized as a no good scrounger, now if they're unfortunate to be unemployed they only receive a fraction of what an old person in same circumstances does, £46.85 per week, no HB unless it's in a shared house which are rarely even suitable for one human, no help with energy costs, no free travel, no free lunch clubs, TV license, prescriptions etc.


now before you start ranting, I'm not saying old people do not deserve this level of income and support, but compared to other age groups and immigrants they do use a lot of resources and receive a very good standard of living.


Troll alert, troll alert...:hihi:

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