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A Prayer to Bin Laden in US?

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Given the propaganda we are fed daily by the main media I understand your feelings but what did he do so bad anyway ?


At worst he called for a Holy war but there's loads of Idiots doing that in our country and they dont get shot.

Apart from that there seems little evidence he really did owt.


You're forgetting the rather important detail that he claimed that he was responsible.


In fact I've never seen any of you conspiracy theorists ever mention that when you go on about how Bin Laden is 'innocent', it's almost as if you cherry pick which facts you want to highlight and choose some to ignore. :rolleyes:

And you call yourself 'truthers'? :gag:

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It's because when they supposedly killed him the media flashed up a lot of pictures of the 7/7 bus and trains mixed with pictures of Bin' and the burning towers.

Subliminal messaging you might call it.


Only subliminal message I saw was the one promoting the royal wedding.



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in the famous monkey bars scene of AL Q operatives, well Anthony Hilder in his documentary The greatest lie ever sold, reckons the scene was filmed from a Los Angels park.



while debating my mum a few years back about did the boogie man in fact do the dasterly deed.


one of her responses to me was, look at them [pointing to the news on t.v, showing Al q operatives on the monkey bars!!]


does practicing on monkey bars constitute evidence?

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In a barrel of pork lard I hope


Get over it!


September 11 was not very nice, but far worse things have happened to people around the world.


Just because the attack was directed at america does NOT make it worse than anything else.


John X

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You're forgetting the rather important detail that he claimed that he was responsible.


In fact I've never seen any of you conspiracy theorists ever mention that when you go on about how Bin Laden is 'innocent', it's almost as if you cherry pick which facts you want to highlight and choose some to ignore. :rolleyes:

And you call yourself 'truthers'? :gag:


He claimed he did it. ?

All I can find is other people claiming he claimed he was responsible and as pointed out earlier claiming responsibility doesn't make him responsible.


There is no hard evidence linking him to 9/11.


I stand by that statement.

Yet look what happened on the strength of it .


Why would I point out that he claimed he'd planned it when I can find no decent evidence he did ?

I'll leave that to the government and media.

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:hihi: and his porn collection.


Actually the porn story was used in mainstream Arab media before the western media picked it up ,


If you study mainstream Arab media you will find that the stories put out by them tend to be far more right wing / even putting fox news to shame !


Arab media is far more bias than western media


I can give lots of examples,



Brazil school shooting , Arab media first claims were he was muslims


Then binny and his so called porn collection!

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