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A Prayer to Bin Laden in US?

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You're forgetting the rather important detail that he claimed that he was responsible.


In fact I've never seen any of you conspiracy theorists ever mention that when you go on about how Bin Laden is 'innocent', it's almost as if you cherry pick which facts you want to highlight and choose some to ignore. :rolleyes:

And you call yourself 'truthers'? :gag:


Jimmy at the end of the day

I am not a criminal investigator

Nither is v , of truthers or bush etc


The people who are in a position to investigate are called the FBI


Now the FBI don't hold him responsible how can you be so sure ?


After all every single thing that you know about this event and him had come to you via the box ?

Right ?

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It's known that he planned the 9/11 attacks for a start and more than likely did the same for the attacks on the US embassies and the USS Cole. No doubt connected with the 7/7 attacks also He had the money to finance all this also. Planning and financing terrorist attacks are as good as participating in them and far removed from some idiot merely shouting about holy wars.

What he did was more than enough. He was an evil wee man


Harly were was his finaces ?

Which bank account did he have all this money in?


Or was it under his mattress ?


Yes his family was rich but they had direct dealings with bush and house of Saud !


Were did binny keep his money ?

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in the famous monkey bars scene of AL Q operatives, well Anthony Hilder in his documentary The greatest lie ever sold, reckons the scene was filmed from a Los Angels park.



while debating my mum a few years back about did the boogie man in fact do the dasterly deed.


one of her responses to me was, look at them [pointing to the news on t.v, showing Al q operatives on the monkey bars!!]


does practicing on monkey bars constitute evidence?


Any links for the sene or documentry ?



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It's known that he planned the 9/11 attacks for a start and more than likely did the same for the attacks on the US embassies and the USS Cole. No doubt connected with the 7/7 attacks also He had the money to finance all this also. Planning and financing terrorist attacks are as good as participating in them and far removed from some idiot merely shouting about holy wars.

What he did was more than enough. He was an evil wee man


Although he may have claimed that he planned that attacks there never has been any concrete and damning evidence to say that he has planned the attacks etc,maybe it was his claim to fame ! I think you will find that lots of people claim to be capable of doing things when they clearly arnt regardles off their wealth etc !

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The mass this Sunday at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in West Palm Beach will be offered on behalf of five people. Only one of them is a recently deceased head of a global terrorist network.


Parishioner Henry Borga requested the mass intention, on behalf of one Osama bin Laden, which is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church in which masses are offered for souls in purgatory or to remember someone who has died or in honor of someone still living. Borga told a local television channel that he placed the request for bin Laden because "he needs forgiveness and compassion from God."


That's very ... Christian of them.

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