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Pushy Christians!!

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Because he is a sheeple....just blindly following all the other sheeple....never questioning what they do....just following.


Sad really....and his christened son will grow up to be a sheeple too. :(


Explain to me what a sheeple is...... I've got a word to describe someone like you but whenever I write it all I get is <REMOVED>....

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After saying in front of the congregation that you will bring him up as a Christian?



Because in the ceremony you would normally say you are a believer. If you are not, you are lying.


Fair enough, I'm a lying hypocrite! Doesn't bother me one little bit. It's not like a care!


Kiss my face!

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Absolutely nothing! I think I'm the only one in the whole forum though. Everyone else on here is 100% perfect.


I think everyone is a hypocrite in some way. But being a hypocrite isn't always a bad thing.


For example. I totally believe that women should have the right to do whatever they want with their own body, so I am all for prostitution, unless it's my daughter.

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But I want to get my child christened. I used to go to church as a child, some of my family are religious and they want to see my son christened in the same gown that me, my brother and sister, my cousins and my parents were. It's a tradition that goes way back. If that tradition wasn't there, I wouldn't be having him christened.


If anything I think I have a good attitude towards it. Otherwise I would have said something to the vicar when she was shouting at my family during the rehearsal.


Doing it due to tradition might not sound right to you, but it is something that is very important to me. Family is very important to me.




So I think in your case it's having the child christened because it's a "family tradition" but at the same time 'Dont bother me with all this religious stuff"

and if perhaps you're not intending for the child to ever set foot in a church again forget the whole thing. Just no point in it.

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So I think in your case it's having the child christened because it's a "family tradition" but at the same time 'Dont bother me with all this religious stuff"

and if perhaps you're not intending for the child to ever set foot in a church again forget the whole thing. Just no point in it.


Sorry..... Tried reading that a couple of times and I don't understand it.

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With churches closing down or struggling to maintain their upkeep, you would think that the Christian community would be pleased when a family wants to get their child christened, what ever the reason!


We are just about to christen our son. Not because we are religious but because we have a family tradition, which probably started due to religion.


I've never been through such an ordeal!! The vicar made us go to a Sunday service (fair enough), then a few weeks after they made all the families go to an evening at church where we had to watch a DVD about Christianity and how a God Parent is supposed to teach the newly christened child about Jesus and the Christian faith. Then, to top it off, we had to go to a rehearsal. The rehearsal was by far the worst part. The vicar was pushy with the young ones amongst us, she was like a old fashioned school teacher, asking us questions about Christianity and the role of a God Parent. I was on the verge of getting up and calling the whole thing off!


If anything, this has made my lack of faith even stronger. Do these people want our business or are they happier seeing their church rot into the ground?!


Wow so the 2nd largest landowning organisation is desperate for your £20.00.


You are making a solemn promise in front of friends and family that you will bring your offspring up in the Christian Faith.


Do you not value what you say to your children?

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Yes, we are a family of proud hypocrites! It's a tradition that has been going on for 100's of years!


The last vicar we had welcomed people with open arms. He was quite aware that a large percentage of the christenings, weddings and funerals he did were for none religious people.


This new vicar is actually evil, I'm tempted to cancel mainly because I fear she might drop my son. I'm sure she is an alcoholic!


It is non-religious my friend;you sound like a bit of a drinker yourself.I would cancel fourthwith(sic)but you wont because you prefer the chimera

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Explain to me what a sheeple is...... I've got a word to describe someone like you but whenever I write it all I get is <REMOVED>....


A cross between sheep and people....like I said...people who just do stuff....not questioning why they do it.....blissfully and blindly doing what they have always done...just because they do it. :)

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