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Pushy Christians!!

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Of cause some women opt into prostitution. Some women get paid more than I do from selling their bodies! Have you never seen secret diary of a call girl? Hundreds of pounds an hour some girls earn!


But that's for another thread.


Of course.


How much do you get for selling womens' bodies?No that programme came on after my bed-time and I havent forgiven that Billy Evans fore leaving Dr Who

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For a start, what is a prognecy? And what is a ceromony? I also don't know what a loacl club is and I'm pretty certain that you can't get a child christened at one!


Sorry, but I can't understand this post either! What's the part about pretending to believing in magic people?


Despite the obvious....I can still read and understand the post...you are just being pedantic....quite pathetic really :roll:


I would summise that the person talking about magic people isn't a Christian.....but what he does recognise that your intention isn't right.


So you now seem to have opposition from both believers and non-believers.


Has it not hit home to you yet.....that what you intend to do might look right on the photos...but won't be right in the heart????


edit: actually on reading andygardner's post again I am not sure if he is Christian or not..it doesn't really matter.

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I've never understood people who raise their child in a religion. Its not giving the poor kid any chance to make up their own mind as they've already been conditioned into believing one thing or another.

It denies them the freedom of thought and is in as many words "brainwashing"


I am not happy with this

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A christening is nothing more than pomp and ceremony! It's just words!


Doesn't matter at the end of the day, there isn't a god, I'm pretty confident of that!


Don't you see that going into a community of believers and performing one of their ceremonies with your fingers crossed, making declarations you don't believe in and promises you have no intention of keeping, is kind of taking the ****?

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It was going to be a lot more than £20 believe me!


Talk about exaggerating! Of cause I value what I say to my kids you fool!! I'm getting him christened, I'm not exactly doing any harm to anyone!


You are living a lie if you take him to church to have him baptised when you aren't a believer, it's putting across a message of hypocrisy. Your child won't have a clue what's going on. So you're doing it because of other peoples belief. They should respect yours, which should not include having to go through a ceremony which has no bearing on your life or your childs, it's a religious ceremony based on the baptism of christ, have the courage of your convictions:love:

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