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Pushy Christians!!

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It doesn't bother me either way....it just seems a bit odd to me that non believers would even contemplate using a Church or indeed something that comes from the Bible....for a christening, dedication, baptism, marriage or funeral....just so the setting appears to be "correct".


I fully agree that there should be the choice of secular naming ceremonies....aren't these available???? If there isn't maybe you could have a word with the registrar at the Town Hall...maybe they offer some sort of secular naming ceremony. Just to satisfy my own curiosity though...what would be the secular equivalent of GodParents???


And as for the full immersion thing...I think you might find it was something first thought of by two random dudes....one called John and one called Jesus....somewhere I have it written down in a book :hihi:

It's only "odd" if you are completely blind to the power of tradition. Plenty of people who are utterly irreligious like the idea of church weddings, christenings, funerals... simply because they come from a society that was in the past utterly dominated by Xianity and consequently the church was able to place itself at the centre of many of the events in peoples lives that people tend to commemorate.


Such people want to continue doing such things even though simply because so far as they're concerned that's the way things have always been done regardless of the fact that they know next to nothing about the Xian god and certainly have no kind of belief in him. Nor as the OP suggests do they want some zealot attempting to interrogate and indoctrinate them simply because they want to follow what they simply regard as a nice tradition.

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It's only "odd" if you are completely blind to the power of tradition. Plenty of people who are utterly irreligious like the idea of church weddings, christenings, funerals... simply because they come from a society that was in the past utterly dominated by Xianity and consequently the church was able to place itself at the centre of many of the events in peoples lives that people tend to commemorate.


Such people want to continue doing such things even though simply because so far as they're concerned that's the way things have always been done regardless of the fact that they know next to nothing about the Xian god and certainly have no kind of belief in him. Nor as the OP suggests do they want some zealot attempting to interrogate and indoctrinate them simply because they want to follow what they simply regard as a nice tradition.


I couldn't personally give a flying f...errett to what the OP does.....his life, his choice. My observation was a little broader than just one person. For the record I am just as baffled as to why people in Sheffield vote for Labour....just because their father did and his father before him.....when over that time the very thing that Labour stood for...socialism...got scrapped years ago. There you go "religion" and politics in one sentence.


And there is a nice word for those - and those who subscribe to the power of tradition...never questioning what they do.....they are called Sheeple. :hihi:


And with that I am off to bed...night night.

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With churches closing down or struggling to maintain their upkeep, you would think that the Christian community would be pleased when a family wants to get their child christened, what ever the reason!


We are just about to christen our son. Not because we are religious but because we have a family tradition, which probably started due to religion.


I've never been through such an ordeal!! The vicar made us go to a Sunday service (fair enough), then a few weeks after they made all the families go to an evening at church where we had to watch a DVD about Christianity and how a God Parent is supposed to teach the newly christened child about Jesus and the Christian faith. Then, to top it off, we had to go to a rehearsal. The rehearsal was by far the worst part. The vicar was pushy with the young ones amongst us, she was like a old fashioned school teacher, asking us questions about Christianity and the role of a God Parent. I was on the verge of getting up and calling the whole thing off!


If anything, this has made my lack of faith even stronger. Do these people want our business or are they happier seeing their church rot into the ground?!


I don't think they want your 'business', just your sincerity. And if it's not there, you have the option to back out.


How do you understand the meaning of a christening?

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