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Pushy Christians!!

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With churches closing down or struggling to maintain their upkeep, you would think that the Christian community would be pleased when a family wants to get their child christened, what ever the reason!


We are just about to christen our son. Not because we are religious but because we have a family tradition, which probably started due to religion.


I've never been through such an ordeal!! The vicar made us go to a Sunday service (fair enough), then a few weeks after they made all the families go to an evening at church where we had to watch a DVD about Christianity and how a God Parent is supposed to teach the newly christened child about Jesus and the Christian faith. Then, to top it off, we had to go to a rehearsal. The rehearsal was by far the worst part. The vicar was pushy with the young ones amongst us, she was like a old fashioned school teacher, asking us questions about Christianity and the role of a God Parent. I was on the verge of getting up and calling the whole thing off!


If anything, this has made my lack of faith even stronger. Do these people want our business or are they happier seeing their church rot into the ground?!



Didn't you start a thread about something similar some months ago but at that time it was a relative or friend who was having their child christened and you stated that the vicar was spouting a load of crap or something like that .

You sure sound familiar to me.


You dont need to have your child christened if you think that the religious aspect of it is a waste of time. Also that " doing a christening because it's a family tradition" bit doesn't sound quite right to me


You dont have to be a phony. Dont bother to christen the child. With your attitude it's just a waste of time anyway

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Didn't you start a thread about something similar some months ago but at that time it was a relative or friend who was having their child christened and you stated that the vicar was spouting a load of crap or something like that .

You sure sound familiar to me.


You dont need to have your child christened if you think that the religious aspect of it is a waste of time. Also that " doing a christening because it's a family tradition" bit doesn't sound quite right to me


You dont have to be a phony. Dont bother to christen the child. With your attitude it's just a waste of time anyway


But I want to get my child christened. I used to go to church as a child, some of my family are religious and they want to see my son christened in the same gown that me, my brother and sister, my cousins and my parents were. It's a tradition that goes way back. If that tradition wasn't there, I wouldn't be having him christened.


If anything I think I have a good attitude towards it. Otherwise I would have said something to the vicar when she was shouting at my family during the rehearsal.


Doing it due to tradition might not sound right to you, but it is something that is very important to me. Family is very important to me.

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But I want to get my child christened. I used to go to church as a child, some of my family are religious and they want to see my son christened in the same gown that me, my brother and sister, my cousins and my parents were. It's a tradition that goes way back. If that tradition wasn't there, I wouldn't be having him christened.


If anything I think I have a good attitude towards it. Otherwise I would have said something to the vicar when she was shouting at my family during the rehearsal.


Doing it due to tradition might not sound right to you, but it is something that is very important to me. Family is very important to me.


Don't you understand that if you have no religion, want to get your child baptised which is a religious ritual, then it is hypocrisy. Have a family get together at home if it's family that's important. It used to be tradition to hang thieves, there are some traditions that we no longer need especially if we don't believe in them. Look to your conscience

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Don't you understand that if you have no religion, want to get your child baptised which is a religious ritual, then it is hypocrisy. Have a family get together at home if it's family that's important. It used to be tradition to hang thieves, there are some traditions that we no longer need especially if we don't believe in them. Look to your conscience


Hanging thieves! Ha! That's a good one! That actually made me laugh out loud!


A family get together isn't a christening though is it? We have family get togethers all the time.


Do you celebrate Christmas? In some Christians eyes you would be a hypocrite for doing that!


Easter is a Christian celebration too. If I'm not a Christian then surely I need to stop funding Cadbury's every year!


We are encouraged to take part in these Christian rituals, but now I'm a hypocrite for having a christening!


Did I over step the mark?

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I couldn't personally give a flying f...errett to what the OP does.....his life, his choice. My observation was a little broader than just one person. For the record I am just as baffled as to why people in Sheffield vote for Labour....just because their father did and his father before him.....when over that time the very thing that Labour stood for...socialism...got scrapped years ago. There you go "religion" and politics in one sentence.


And there is a nice word for those - and those who subscribe to the power of tradition...never questioning what they do.....they are called Sheeple. :hihi:


And with that I am off to bed...night night.



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Hanging thieves! Ha! That's a good one! That actually made me laugh out loud!


A family get together isn't a christening though is it? We have family get togethers all the time.


Do you celebrate Christmas? In some Christians eyes you would be a hypocrite for doing that!


Easter is a Christian celebration too. If I'm not a Christian then surely I need to stop funding Cadbury's every year!


We are encouraged to take part in these Christian rituals, but now I'm a hypocrite for having a christening!


Did I over step the mark?


Enjoying and celebrating Christmas and Easter festivals doesn't involve going to church, or making promises to bring up a child in the church. Having a child christened suggests that the parents want that child to grow up as a practising Christian. It is hypocritical to make that promise unless you are prepared to fulfil it.


That's why when we had our children around 40 years ago we didn't have them christened. Even then we were enlightened enough to understand that we wouldn't have been honest if we'd made that promise. And nearly everyone had their children christened back then.


Neither have our grandchildren been christened. I'm very glad that the next generation of our family aren't swayed by this particular 'tradition' any more than we were.

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A lot of my family are (very) Christian. Neither myself or my 2 sisters were baptised/Christened as children. We were allowed to make our own choice, my parents didn't stand up and make promises on my behave that I would seek/follow Christ, they left it to me to decide later in life when I would understand the significance of what such a ceremony holds.


Both my sisters have since been baptised, I have not. I have made the choice not to be baptised.


As such, being invited to be a God parent for a niece (OH's sisters' child) felt very uncomfortable to me. I didn't want to promise to help guide the child into God/the Christian church as a non believer. I felt it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to promise to bring the child up in a way I have rejected myself and I don't understand why anyone else wouldn't see that. I would effectively be insulting the beliefs of a number of my family.


Contrary to the apparent belief of a lot of vocal atheists on this forum, despite having a religious family I have not been indoctrinated into the church. My parents allowed me to make my own choices. Of course seeing that would fly in the face of the beliefs of those who are determined that religion = bad in all circumstance.


I was trying to ready myself for an awkward conversation with OH's sister to explain why I had declined the "honour" of being a Godparent, fortunately when the vicar heard I hadn't been Christened/baptised he saved me from that discussion!


Doing something out of tradition, following blindly without thinking about it is plainly daft and well phrased by Julado before me on this thread.


But of course that can't be true can it? Anytime a Christian talks to someone about God it must be them trying to convert that person.

I don't feel like people are trying to convert me to follow a particular sports team when they talk about it, why do so many non-believers assume Christians are doing the same with faith?


I wouldn't expect a warm welcome from the fans of one of the cities football clubs if I were to wear a shirt of the opposing team and pee on the pitch or something (that's the closest analogy I can think of for a football fan compared to a church for Christians).


It's really not hard to understand, not only are Christening/Baptisms held by non-religious families hypocritical but I feel they are actually insulting to Christians that such a ceremony should be viewed as nothing more than "something you do".

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A lot of my family are (very) Christian. Neither myself or my 2 sisters were baptised/Christened as children. We were allowed to make our own choice, my parents didn't stand up and make promises on my behave that I would seek/follow Christ, they left it to me to decide later in life when I would understand the significance of what such a ceremony holds.


Both my sisters have since been baptised, I have not. I have made the choice not to be baptised.


As such, being invited to be a God parent for a niece (OH's sisters' child) felt very uncomfortable to me. I didn't want to promise to help guide the child into God/the Christian church as a non believer. I felt it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to promise to bring the child up in a way I have rejected myself and I don't understand why anyone else wouldn't see that. I would effectively be insulting the beliefs of a number of my family.


Contrary to the apparent belief of a lot of vocal atheists on this forum, despite having a religious family I have not been indoctrinated into the church. My parents allowed me to make my own choices. Of course seeing that would fly in the face of the beliefs of those who are determined that religion = bad in all circumstance.


I was trying to ready myself for an awkward conversation with OH's sister to explain why I had declined the "honour" of being a Godparent, fortunately when the vicar heard I hadn't been Christened/baptised he saved me from that discussion!


Doing something out of tradition, following blindly without thinking about it is plainly daft and well phrased by Julado before me on this thread.


But of course that can't be true can it? Anytime a Christian talks to someone about God it must be them trying to convert that person.

I don't feel like people are trying to convert me to follow a particular sports team when they talk about it, why do so many non-believers assume Christians are doing the same with faith?


I wouldn't expect a warm welcome from the fans of one of the cities football clubs if I were to wear a shirt of the opposing team and pee on the pitch or something (that's the closest analogy I can think of for a football fan compared to a church for Christians).


It's really not hard to understand, not only are Christening/Baptisms held by non-religious families hypocritical but I feel they are actually insulting to Christians that such a ceremony should be viewed as nothing more than "something you do".


A christening is nothing more than pomp and ceremony! It's just words!


Doesn't matter at the end of the day, there isn't a god, I'm pretty confident of that!

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