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Do I have to pay my Excel Parking Ticket?

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you did actually make up that bit bonjon, about not having much of a chance. unless you are legally qualified then you should not make statements like that, as its just supposition. the person probably just got scared with the bully boy tactics. someone with more nouse would let it go to court, and then let a sheffield judge make the decision as opposed to a forum scare monger.

ie just like the judge in mansfield who ruled they are unenfoirceable and allowed the local MP to state that Excel are a rogue company.


We are on a public forum and not in court I can express my opinions, some people share these like Judge Harrison from Chester, who ruled in favour of CPS against a fully defended case scripted by 'armchair lawyers' on various forums (namley pepioo, MSE and CAG).

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We are on a public forum and not in court I can express my opinions, some people share these like Judge Harrison from Chester, who ruled in favour of CPS against a fully defended case scripted by 'armchair lawyers' on various forums (namley pepioo, MSE and CAG).


yes but you are trying to give the impression that its a foregone conclusion now in sheffield, because someone didnt contest their particular case, and that people have already "given up", without knowing any of the facts of the case. thats just ill informed, misleading and potentially could be seen as having ulterior motives.

the mansfield case is local enough to count, was contested, was thrown out, and the company were branded rogues, with unenforceable invoices, by someone with legal qualifications. :)

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We are on a public forum and not in court I can express my opinions, some people share these like Judge Harrison from Chester, who ruled in favour of CPS against a fully defended case scripted by 'armchair lawyers' on various forums (namley pepioo, MSE and CAG).


So can you explain why , if these parking tickets ARE enforcable , many, many people who dont pay them never hear anything from the company , or at most recieve a threatening letter to try and force them to pay , but if ignored never hear owt again .?


Could this be because the parking companies know full well that these tickets arnt worth the paper they are written on ,and can only rely on people being scared and intimidated enough to pay up . ?

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So can you explain why , if these parking tickets ARE enforcable , many, many people who dont pay them never hear anything from the company , or at most recieve a threatening letter to try and force them to pay , but if ignored never hear owt again .?


Could this be because the parking companies know full well that these tickets arnt worth the paper they are written on ,and can only rely on people being scared and intimidated enough to pay up . ?


I imiagine its because enough people pay the charges to fulfil there revuene stream, the few court cases here and there are probably to make examples.


If the revenue stream did dry up they have followed correct procedure in notifying people and could start court proceeding on old tickets (upto a certain date).

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We are on a public forum and not in court I can express my opinions, some people share these like Judge Harrison from Chester, who ruled in favour of CPS against a fully defended case scripted by 'armchair lawyers' on various forums (namley pepioo, MSE and CAG).


You can also be sued for "expressing your opinions" on an open forum (ask the 30 or so Wednesday supporters that Dave Allen and the then directors of SWFC tried to sue).


You forgot to mention that the case you refer to was quashed on appeal (perhaps it slipped your memory :hihi:)

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and could start court proceeding on old tickets (upto a certain date).


Only on old tickets where there has been correspondence with Excel.


They won't take anyone to court who has completely ignored the parking invoice as they know well that it will cost them money and they will get nothing out of it.


They are in business to make money, not to lose it!


John X

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You can also be sued for "expressing your opinions" on an open forum (ask the 30 or so Wednesday supporters that Dave Allen and the then directors of SWFC tried to sue).


You forgot to mention that the case you refer to was quashed on appeal (perhaps it slipped your memory :hihi:)


I didnt know, do you have a link to the appeal transcripts?

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We are on a public forum and not in court I can express my opinions, some people share these like Judge Harrison from Chester, who ruled in favour of CPS against a fully defended case scripted by 'armchair lawyers' on various forums (namley pepioo, MSE and CAG).


I didnt know, do you have a link to the appeal transcripts?


Google is your friend.........also read owlstalk, it's all there!

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