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Do I have to pay my Excel Parking Ticket?

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Hi. I actually work as the finance manager/credit controller of a privately owned carpark enforcement company in london. I have to tell you, unfortunately your ticket was issued correctly as you did not have a valid disable badge displayed when you parked in the disabled bay. You can appeal your ticket/fine but I unfortunately it will be declined and the fine will stil stand along with any additional charges they have thrown in.

Because it is a year ago, i would only be paying for the amount of the ticket at the time of issue and not any outstanding fees they have added because they were too slack in their accounting procedures to notice the outstanding debt.

There is no way to get out of the fine. i would contact the company Excell direct and try to pay to them. that way you may get away with only paying the fine and not the extra fees. if you pay to the debt collector directly (and you may well have to) they will ask for all money up front plus any fees or you can have the option of paying it off over the next few months if you are not very financial at the moment.

Where I work we get a lot of disabled badge holders who believe they can park whereever the choose and not have to pay. this is not the case in privately owned carparks. there are specific rules/conditions which MUST be displayed in the carpark notifying drivers of the conditions they must abide by. if you are in briech of these conditions you will be fined like everyone else.

I suggest you just pay the fine.sorry.

HI Just read your post re parking fine, thought you might be able to give me some info. I have recently been sent a parking icket for the excel car park at Broomhill (above the shops). I parked there during that ridiculousy snowy period and found when I tried to pay that the ticket machine got jammed, I even lost 50p in the machine. I had my young children with and so did not want to move the car and search for anoth space as parking was shocking due to the snow. So I thought I would do the decent thing and siplayed a noice in my window with my number on it explaining why I had not paid. As they use cctv not wardens I got a ticket. I wrote to them to explain, but they have said that they have no record of their machine needing maintenance and that I should have rung the helpline.


Just considereing if I should just pay it and bite the bullet, but I am very uhappy to do so as I lost money in their machine and yet am still being treated as if I purposeky evaded the ticket. Any advice?? Anyone???

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HI Just read your post re parking fine, thought you might be able to give me some info. I have recently been sent a parking icket for the excel car park at Broomhill (above the shops). I parked there during that ridiculousy snowy period and found when I tried to pay that the ticket machine got jammed, I even lost 50p in the machine. I had my young children with and so did not want to move the car and search for anoth space as parking was shocking due to the snow. So I thought I would do the decent thing and siplayed a noice in my window with my number on it explaining why I had not paid. As they use cctv not wardens I got a ticket. I wrote to them to explain, but they have said that they have no record of their machine needing maintenance and that I should have rung the helpline.


Just considereing if I should just pay it and bite the bullet, but I am very uhappy to do so as I lost money in their machine and yet am still being treated as if I purposeky evaded the ticket. Any advice?? Anyone???


Do not pay.


Ignore it.


Search the many threads on here for more info.

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HI Just read your post re parking fine, thought you might be able to give me some info. I have recently been sent a parking icket for the excel car park at Broomhill (above the shops). I parked there during that ridiculousy snowy period and found when I tried to pay that the ticket machine got jammed, I even lost 50p in the machine. I had my young children with and so did not want to move the car and search for anoth space as parking was shocking due to the snow. So I thought I would do the decent thing and siplayed a noice in my window with my number on it explaining why I had not paid. As they use cctv not wardens I got a ticket. I wrote to them to explain, but they have said that they have no record of their machine needing maintenance and that I should have rung the helpline.


Just considereing if I should just pay it and bite the bullet, but I am very uhappy to do so as I lost money in their machine and yet am still being treated as if I purposeky evaded the ticket. Any advice?? Anyone???


Yeah, go to the Star, and ask them to print this and for their help.


Who does this car park belong to? They need to know what has happened and how you have been treated by this "parking company" called Excel that they use. If you find out it belongs to the Spar shop, then I will also add that to my list of businesses that I am boycotting as they use Excel. There are lots of good businesses in Sheffield that don't resort to this, who are more deserving of our business.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a query about a parking fine notice I received yesterday. It was for the Tesco car park on Berkeley Precinct (Ecclesall Road). Much as I am surprised (as I go there regularly and always mindful of the 2 hour restriction - clearly had an off day at the time with not noticing an extra half an hour!), I admit that they must be correct about me exceeding the time limit. They also got my car on camera entering and leaving the car park.


However I would like to simply double check, before I pay the £60 (full charge £100!!!) fine, should I be paying this much. I expect the answer will be, if it is on a notice, which it probably is somewhere in the car park, then according to contract law I am obliged to pay the amount stated. But it just seems excessive, last year I was fined for parking in town for an hour more than was allowed and only paid £25, which seemed reasonable for the mistake I made. But £60, which is not even going to the council, I have reservations about.


Not looking to enter into arguments about parking (looked through some threads about it here - blimey things get heated don't they:))

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I have a query about a parking fine notice I received yesterday. It was for the Tesco car park on Berkeley Precinct (Ecclesall Road). Much as I am surprised (as I go there regularly and always mindful of the 2 hour restriction - clearly had an off day at the time with not noticing an extra half an hour!), I admit that they must be correct about me exceeding the time limit. They also got my car on camera entering and leaving the car park.


However I would like to simply double check, before I pay the £60 (full charge £100!!!) fine, should I be paying this much. I expect the answer will be, if it is on a notice, which it probably is somewhere in the car park, then according to contract law I am obliged to pay the amount stated. But it just seems excessive, last year I was fined for parking in town for an hour more than was allowed and only paid £25, which seemed reasonable for the mistake I made. But £60, which is not even going to the council, I have reservations about.


Not looking to enter into arguments about parking (looked through some threads about it here - blimey things get heated don't they:))


Do not pay ANYTHING to Excel. You have received a legally unenforcable invoice. Under contact law, they are only allowed to recover their losses arising from the breach of contract. If the car park is free, their loss is £0. Also, a £60 charge could be interpreted as a penalty clause, which is completely illegal in contract law. Excel lost a court case in Mansfield a few years ago because the judge declared that the invoice amounted to intimidation and harassment.


Do not contact them and certainly do not engage with their so called 'appeals' process.


You will probably receive 3 or 4 threatograms demanding that you pay up (including some from a dubious outfit called Graham White Solicitors). Just hold your nerve and ignore them all.

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I am worried about even a hint of a possibility of any legal action. I can't afford to have any sort of credit/legal problems on my record due to the nature of my work. There is no way I'd go to court with them (as someone in Mansfield clearly did:) even though they won!), it's similar to a claim on your car insurance, it can damage your no claims bonus whether you were at fault or not.. OK perhaps not a good comparison.


It angers me though, how easy it is to intimidate people. Basically Excel can put any figure on their invoice, the worries would still be there - so in theory they could pick one out of the blue - I am assuming as they are a private outfit they could threaten to fine you £500!


i can see where they get the reputation for being such bullies. You get the elderly and the vulnerable who are easily frightened; you get those who already have credit problems and couldn't risk any more; you get those who are worried about the impact of an adverse history on their job... they have all sections of society covered!!:rant:


What would happen if I sent them a cheque for £20 - will they reissue the invoice? Half-joking here, it still is a risky thing to do for me..


I am also angry because now I am going to avoid parking there altogether despite its handy location. OK I would have been more careful about the timing, but, I have heard stories about people being fined for their car bumper overhanging the pavement and other ludicrous reasons, and I certainlycan't afford to neither pay £60 every so often or, to face the stress that comes from receiving letters like this!

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There is nothing to be worried about because it will never reach court in the first place. It's all a numbers game to them. They know that by making these ludicrous threats that most people will accept the parking ticket as genuine. Just ignore them and move on with your life. The few times that they have taken matters to court resulted in them loosing the case. Hold your nerve.

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I have just had another "parking charge notice" from this lot. I will ignore it again, they give up after about a year of "final" notices. The bill will go up to about £350 during this time, don't be intimidated because they will never be able to make a reasonable claim in law.

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