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Minimum wage should be £24000+

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I've just tried to fill that in, for a young couple I know who are living together, paying rent of £400/month and earning minimum wage for their age.


I entered the first DOB and the message came up:


"Error! There was an error found in the information you submitted.


Error 1: The date for date of birth needs to be between 25/05/1891 and 25/05/1993"


They are both younger than this, they are 16 and 17.


Can anyone suggest what they can do, to see if they would be eligible for assistance?


Edit: they were both not living with parents before setting up home together, she had been in a hostel until leaving, with him when he was thrown out of his own home, to live with her aunt and uncle. They saved up for the deposit and bond (during the time they were living with her aunt and uncle) over the last five months, found a landlord who would take them, and now have the rental property for which they are paying rent.

Edited by SHsheff
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Sounds a few degrees away from communism to me?


-What incentive is there to become rich? to want to earn a million p/a for example?

-What incentive is there to keep ones assets in the UK once one becomes a multi-million/billionaire?

-What about when an individual is forced to sell assets to cover debts or shortfalls?


It's more capitalistic than the current system ;)


We would still have inequality, but more social mobility. The poorest need incentive to work, like they would have in a free market.

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I've just tried to fill that in, for a young couple I know who are living together, paying rent of £400/month and earning minimum wage for their age.


I entered the first DOB and the message came up:


"Error! There was an error found in the information you submitted.


Error 1: The date for date of birth needs to be between 25/05/1891 and 25/05/1993"


They are both younger than this, they are 16 and 17.


Can anyone suggest what they can do, to see if they would be eligible for assistance?


Edit: they were both not living with parents before setting up home together, she had been in a hostel until leaving, with him when he was thrown out of his own home, to live with her aunt and uncle. They saved up for the deposit and bond (during the time they were living with her aunt and uncle) over the last five months, found a landlord who would take them, and now have the rental property for which they are paying rent.


They are some of the lowest paid in society, and their benefit entitlement will be nil if they earn over £180 pw between themselves.

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They are some of the lowest paid in society, and their benefit entitlement will be nil if they earn over £180 pw between themselves.


Ok, thanks. So £3.68/hour it is! And so on £147/week each (minus tax, whatever that works out) they will manage to keep themselves. Hopefully.


Then, when they turn 18, as long as there are no children (fingers crossed not) they'll be able to claim working tax credit? Odd. Funny how an 18 year old is considered to need more than a 17 year old in exactly the same circumstances! And had said 16/17 year olds had to be put up in a hostel rather than fending for themselves, they'd be costing the tax payer quite a bit because they'd get free accommodation as well as a weekly allowance.


Hey ho, the price of a sense of pride, I guess.

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Ok, thanks. So £3.68/hour it is! And so on £147/week each (minus tax, whatever that works out) they will manage to keep themselves. Hopefully.


Then, when they turn 18, as long as there are no children (fingers crossed not) they'll be able to claim working tax credit? Odd. Funny how an 18 year old is considered to need more than a 17 year old in exactly the same circumstances! And had said 16/17 year olds had to be put up in a hostel rather than fending for themselves, they'd be costing the tax payer quite a bit because they'd get free accommodation as well as a weekly allowance.


Hey ho, the price of a sense of pride, I guess.


Working tax credit will not become available till they reach the age of 25.


Or until they have a child.


Their benefit entitlement will be 2 lots of JSA (under 25 rate) + the shared room rate of LHA for under 25s (soon to be under 35s) + Council tax.


JSA + JSA + SRR + CTB = Their personal threshold/Benefit entitlement


53.45 + 53.45 + 60 + council tax (18-ish for a couple in band A?)


= ~ £185


With an income of £185 gross, they would get roughly £22 housing benefit, and £4 council tax benefit due to the withdrawal rates of the benefits. Their tax, NI contributions (tax) and bus fares (£20 a weekly pass) would not be taken into account.



They are not eligible for ANY benefits or tax credits for at least 8 years, unless they have children.

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Ridiculous. Spare a thought for the employers.:roll:


I'm sorry to have to disagree with you, your deputyship, but the fat cats can take care of themselves, you need to take care of the underdogs:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I'm sorry to have to disagree with you, your deputyship, but the fat cats can take care of themselves, you need to take care of the underdogs:hihi::hihi::hihi:

Like the small business people who keep many a family in employment. Not everybody works for a large PLC with fat cat directors.

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Like the small business people who keep many a family in employment. Not everybody works for a large PLC with fat cat directors.


I was attempting to be humerous with our deputy PM, sorry if I upset you:D

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Ok, thanks. So £3.68/hour it is! And so on £147/week each (minus tax, whatever that works out) they will manage to keep themselves. Hopefully.


Then, when they turn 18, as long as there are no children (fingers crossed not) they'll be able to claim working tax credit? Odd. Funny how an 18 year old is considered to need more than a 17 year old in exactly the same circumstances! And had said 16/17 year olds had to be put up in a hostel rather than fending for themselves, they'd be costing the tax payer quite a bit because they'd get free accommodation as well as a weekly allowance.


Hey ho, the price of a sense of pride, I guess.


They can't claim tax credits until they are over 25, there are no benefits that I know of for them whilst they work and don't have a child. I checked to see if my daughter and fiancée could claim, and I couldn’t find any.

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