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Minimum wage should be £24000+

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:loopy::rant: :rant: :loopy:


You been at the illegal drugs again mate?!


This won't happen, no matter how much you and all the other Daily Fail readers whine and cry about people on benefits..


I don't blame you for claiming benefits Rich, we need more people like you signing on, claiming disability and draining the system in order to force the government to change the system and make workers better off than shirkers.


Until the system is changed though. We shouldn't rebuke claimants like yourself. If work doesn't pay, you'd be mad to work!

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Please go and sign up for an economics class at college or uni.


Then when you've finished the class come back and explain how destroying the economy like that would be a good thing.


Think outside the box for once.

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I don't blame you for claiming benefits Rich, we need more people like you signing on, claiming disability and draining the system in order to force the government to change the system and make workers better off than shirkers.


Until the system is changed though. We shouldn't rebuke claimants like yourself. If work doesn't pay, you'd be mad to work!




I am NOT a shirker, I've worked on a voluntary basis for over 20 years.


Do you see?

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Just to clarify this thread, people are looking through the wrong end of the telescope.


Benefits are not going to be raised.


This cap is just that. Its part of the government white paper thats working its way through parliament and one of the measures in it is to cap the amount of benefits for workless families at £26000 per year or £500 per week.


The way its going to work - in theory - is that the family will get their benefits as normal. Cash benefits first up to the value of £500 in any given week. Then it stops. So they would have to find their rent and council tax out of that £500 cash.


So for example our family the Examples:-


Ma Example, Pa Example neither of whom work, 3 children all under 18 all living at home. They live in private rented accommodation and get housing benefit and council tax benefit.


Previously they got Income support @ £275 per week

Child tax credits @ £200 per week

Child Benefit @ £45 per week

Housing benefit @ £115 per week

Council tax benefit @ £19 per week


Which was a total of £654 per week


Under the new legislation if they remain workless they will only get £500 per week and have to manage on that.


Like everything this is a double edged sword. For some families who are physically unable to work they are going to be punitively punished and as yet there have been no amendments to the rules to exempt people from the rule however the paper has to go through the Lords where it can be changed in any number of ways including vetoed completely out of law so it may not be lade into law at all.

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Someone earning the minimum wage can almost certainly claim HB.


Benefit system works like this.


Benefit income = X

Wage = Y


Benefit withdrawal rates vary.


Owt above benefit income;


Housing benefit withdrawn at rate of 65p in the £1

Council tax benefit withdrawn at a rate of 20p in the £1


Owt above tax credit threshold, tax credits withdrawn at 41p in the £1


Free bus passes/travel to work costs, Optical and dental care are not taken into account.


Disability benefits paid regardless.


Tax 20% past the tax threshold (20p in the £1)

NI = 12% past the NI threshold (12p in the £1)


Other things such as SLCs to take account of also when considering couples and only one of them earning.


Crack is, somebody needs to earn £24k to get £18k NET.

Somebody on benefits can claim up to £18000.


Universal credit will ensure a person is 35p-26p in the £1 better off for working (although travel costs won't be taken into account so this ins't always the case)


So somebody in Sheffield might earn £12k Gross, ~ £10k NET and be better off than what he would be on benefits by some £1k-£2k per year.


Whilst his neighbour playing the system gets £15k NET in Sheffield or £18k NET darn Sarth.

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I am NOT a shirker, I've worked on a voluntary basis for over 20 years.


Do you see?


I didn't call you a worker or a shirker, I said workers should be better off than shirkers.


A man can work 40 hours for a wage, pay tax and be worse off than another working 0 hours.


Thats wrong.


If you do voluntary work, then you should get some reward for doing that above a shirker.

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So to clarify, a person working for minimum wage, often cannot claim housing benefit, nor can they claim working tax credit.


These benefits, are based upon age, wage, household size, number of children, geographical location, local housing markets and local council tax bills.

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So to clarify, a person working for minimum wage, often cannot claim housing benefit, nor can they claim working tax credit.


These benefits, are based upon age, wage, household size, number of children, geographical location, local housing markets and local council tax bills.

Thats just plain wrong. It depends on a persons individual circumstances. You may as well say they often can.
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Thats just plain wrong. It depends on a persons individual circumstances. You may as well say they often can.


Age affects the thresholds for combined WTC, JSA, HB/LHA


Geographical location determines the Housing costs and council tax costs.


Local housing market determines the LHA/HB thresholds for varying household size.


Number of children affects rate of WTC, CTC and their thresholds.


The threshold for a person is then determined.


Wage has fixed thresholds for NI and Tax for all. (Bar a few people born before 1931 to whom marital status is of relevance)


Dependent upon wage and specific threshold for claimants(s), then the amount of benefit and tax credits can be determined.



- I said people working for minimum wage often cannot claim HB as cyclone reckoned it was virtually impossible. That is not the case.

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