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JFK.The speech that got him killed ?

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What you and thruthlogic post on here probably isn't too wide off the mark, and I suspect that there are one or two freemasons on this forum who atempt to just auto-debunk everything you say.


They exist so why not eh.

It makes sense to protect themselves in such a way.

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Let's get down to the evidence bit

I'm not even asking for evidence that PROVES your claims, just some evidence to SUGGEST you may be right (even though you don't seem sure WHO you think killed him).

If we can get that far we might be able to discuss it, even if only hypothetically.


To be fair - you cannot get evidence as it is just a theory :) xx

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To be fair - you cannot get evidence as it is just a theory :) xx

Actually, everything they post about is belief not theory, if it were just theory we would be able to discuss and hypothesise.


If they gave evidence to back up their beliefs we could discuss that.

And I get called crazy to believe in what JFK was speaking out against.
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Guest sibon
Yes it is forbidden to report what is discussed in the meetings .


How do you know?


Was it decided in one of the meetings?

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