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Sykes tv programme?did it have another name?


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can anyone help me? a while ago i was flicking through the sky channels and i noticed a programme on that i didn't recognise,so i pressed select and it was sykes with hattie jaques and eric sykes as brother and sister .i didn't think nothing else of it but tonight me and my friend where thinking of old tv programmes and he said what was that one with eric sykes and hattie jaques.my hubby said yes it was sykes and our friend said no not that one,there was another one.

i remembered what id seen before but i couldn't think of the name.all net searches just come up with sykes. You know when something is bugging you when you NEED to know.It must exist cos we both saw it.can anyone help please?it's driving me nuts

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"The series was titled Sykes And A... so that the given theme of each episode could complete the title."


"In these 60 episodes Eric played 'Eric', a gaunt, accident-prone, eternal child, and Hattie played 'Hattie' (often shortened to 'Hat'), a likeable soul who tended to view the world with wonderment, and put up with Eric's exuberance and erratic behaviour because, improbably, he was her twin brother."


Read, learn and inwardly digest here. ;)

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  • 5 months later...

I hadn't seen this thread, came across it whilst searching for the Shefield Gales 1962 thread. but in the recent spirit of resurrrecting old threads, I just had to comment!


(Chuckles to herself)


Not only were Eric and Hattie twins, but they were identical twins!


(That, incidentally, was straight out of Eric Sykes' mouth!)



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