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Jogging routes around hunters bar


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Hi there, have just searched the site for any threads about this topic - but dont see anything for this area (although Im sure someone will tell me there is) - I have just given up smoking and want to start jogging to get my fitness up..I have moved really near to encliffe park (sp?) - is it good to jog around there (is it safe) - is there any routes people recommend around this area?


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Well if your just starting then i suggest just going up and down Eccy Road. Its pretty much dead on a mile, bang flat and very safe (apart from 7pm onwards on a Fri or Sat I guess?).


Also, a few little tips.....


Dont go flat out when you first start, it will only put you off if you do.


Make sure you get a decent pair of trainers, road running isnt great for your feet or joints.


Buy some Glucosamine Suplhate suplements (Boots etc sell it), its really good for your joints, and again they WILL get saw with road running


When you first start training, jog for a minute, then walk for a minute....once your comfortable with that, increase the times by 30 seconds untill you get to 3 mins jog and walk. Once there start reducing the walking time untill you are constantly running.


STRETCH!!!! The most important part of fitness!! If you dont properly strtch before and after your exercise, you will soon pick up injuries.



Bloomin heck, i didnt even realised i'd typed so much there! Hope that helps you.


Well if anyone else needs help on fitness issues, especially running/cardio then feel free to ask, i have many a tip!

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Originally posted by scottf

Can anyone tell me why i can run for half an hour on a treadmill with no problems yet put me on the open road and i really struggle and am out of breath quickly???


I used to love the treadmill! You could watch TV and listen to music......it was great!

The only problem is that they are not a TRUE run. The best way to use them is have it set on either 1 or 1.5 incline as at 0 they are virtually downhill! Also with the fact that the tread is going round, it pushes your feet backwards thus helping you run and therefore making it easier. Also the distance on a treadmill is never spot on because you can change your style of running and in "real life" those steps would be shorter for example. And finally, when running outdoors you have wind resistance which can play a big part.


I know its nice to go inside during the winter but think of it this way...."if it ain't rainin', it ain't trainin'!" and get yourself out doors!


Stick with it and i quarentee you'll feel the results soon. I found it doesn't come gradually......just one day you'll feel SO much fitter!! Thats how it happened for me anyway.

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I'd guess that running through Endcliffe Park to the junction of Oakbrook Road/Rustlings Road and back would be about one mile.


It's safer than Ecclesall Road because there's more space and no distractions from traffic. Eccie Road has many dangerous side streets. Your mind wants to be on your running, getting into a good pace and above all else (yet what many runners fail to remember) ENJOYMENT!


If you're new to running, alternate between being able to run for say 5 minutes, and then aim for a definite distance of half, then one mile. Increase to being able to run for ten minutes then increase your distance run (as opposed to timed run) to a mile, a mile and a half.


Endcliffe Park is just the ticket, although it's wiser to go in daylight. Once you've mastered 'there and back', aim for the Bingham Park section (to Hangingwater Road).



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Originally posted by Ollie


I know its nice to go inside during the winter but think of it this way...."if it ain't rainin', it ain't trainin'!" and get yourself out doors!



Valid point indeed.


Look at it this way:


Outside it's raining and dull. You should be out there doing your four mile run. You put on your rainproofs (I bought a great windshield top that gives me no excuses NOT to get out there) and go brave the elements.


You finish your run, possibly faster than you had anticipated and feel quite pleased with yourself. You get in a hot shower and for the rest of the day feel fantastic knowing that the alternative was to sit staring at the rain and feeling really depressed thinking 'I should have gone running'.


Physically you feel great, psychologically you feel wonderful. Mentally, you're on top of everything and tomorrow, maybe the sun will shine? You go to bed and have a good night's sleep!

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Worksop half marathon last Sunday....Hammered down with rain ALL the way round. You hardly notice the elements as you're pounding the streets, good for mind, body and soul.....but thankgoodness for Radox!!


Get some Suitable gloves for winter......it's suprising how cold and sore your hands can get...

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