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What Old Maid Remedies Did Your Mum Use?

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If we had a stye Mum used to put cold tea leaves in a hanky and tie it round our head and over the eye. Okay until it came udone during the night.

If we had a cold she used to give us hot lemonade and an asprin, always used to feel better after.

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my dad used to put flowers of sulpur powder in a piece of paper and blow it down your throat if you complained it was hurting!!!! needless to say we never had a lot of bad throats lol,mum used to put camphorated oil on your chest and back if you had a cough

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Chilblains cure.....soak feet in a bowl of your own wee.:suspect:


when we had sore feet from hiking my grandfather said we should wee on them in the showers. my grandma used to put butter on if we had banged our heads

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When we were young and had a cold and a sore throat my nan used to put butter, sugar and vinegar on a spoon and we had to let it melt and dribble down the back of our throats.


Im not sure if it cured it but it tasted really nice!!!!


We had that too but I remember it tasting FOUL.

My nan always said when we had chapped hands in winter to wee on them!

My mum used to rub vick on our chest then made us eat some from a spoon!!:gag:

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Another one and one that I still use now, is Brown Sugar and Onions for a cough.....I did it for my own kids too and the one that didn't have a cough used to pretend just so they could get a spoonful as well. Now they joke about it but I suspect they would still try it if everything else failed....:hihi:

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