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What Old Maid Remedies Did Your Mum Use?

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Also used to boil barley and then strain it before drinking it. Said it was good to flush out your kidneys. Looked disgusting to me.


That's only what Robinsons the fruit squash manufacturers do to make their Lemon Barley Water drinks, etc., when you think about it.

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  • 2 years later...

No one has mentioned Fennings Fever Cure !!! tasted terible and made your teeth grind. My younger cousin is now 70 years old, and if she fels like treating herserlf, she will buy a bottle of Fennings and drink it neat by the tot.

But, in 1983, after returning from a few weks busines visit to South Korea I went into what was then my local pub. I took in 2 bottles of Fennings and told some of the younger ones it was Chinese Liquor which I had ben drinking in South Korea. The landlord was in on this and poured a number of tots to swig down. A few days later, in the same pub, the guys asked if I could get some more for them because they could get drunk very quickly on it. We waited about a month before telling them it was only a type of medicine - 100% true story

Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - hot and suny Malaysia

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Anything we had, could always be "cured" with bi-carb, a caline poultice, peppermint, vicks. ex-lax, iodine, a bit o' red flannel, a Beacham's Powder, Andrews Liver Salts, or even a nice cuppa tea.


If all else failed, a codeine tablet.

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Collis Browns for upset tums. Malt and cod liver oil to build us up. (I still eat it and give it my grandchildren, they love it) and I still use Iodine which heals anything up in half the normal time. Winter green poultice cured anything, as did a Kaolin poultice.

Andrews Liver salts which I loved so much I made it up as a refreshing drink, then spent all the next day on the toilet?

Asprin allowed to desolve over a sore tooth. Or if you had it clove oil rubbed on it.

Warmed ginger ale, a tot of whiskey, and a spoon of honey - a sure fire remedy for sore throat and oncoming cold. Still have it to this day.

My Mum used to make up a dish of onions, cucumber and vinegar, which my Step Father ate every day, with 'every' meal, and 'never' once in all his life ailed a thing.........(except for malaria contracted during WW11)

All the old remedies - still the best imo


My Auntie told me that they used to brush their teeth with soot? WHY? Do you think she was kidding?

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Not sure if I got this from mum but still use it, if stung by a bee or anything, cut an onion in half & it draws the sting & poison out. I also remember the bread poultices for wick lows, had them a few times and flipping red hot they were, but did the trick.


She would also put vick on the soles of our feet at bedtimes, as she said it would go up the body, I never argued with me mum.

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When we were young and had a cold and a sore throat my nan used to put butter, sugar and vinegar on a spoon and we had to let it melt and dribble down the back of our throats.


Im not sure if it cured it but it tasted really nice!!!!


That was the same remedy my mother gave us for a sore throat . I'm not sure it worked , and i'm not going to try again . I'l stick to a ' tot ' with honey which I am sure works for me and - it looks good , tastes good and - by golly it doe's you good .


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 17:18 ----------


No one has mentioned Fennings Fever Cure !!! tasted terible and made your teeth grind. My younger cousin is now 70 years old, and if she fels like treating herserlf, she will buy a bottle of Fennings and drink it neat by the tot.

But, in 1983, after returning from a few weks busines visit to South Korea I went into what was then my local pub. I took in 2 bottles of Fennings and told some of the younger ones it was Chinese Liquor which I had ben drinking in South Korea. The landlord was in on this and poured a number of tots to swig down. A few days later, in the same pub, the guys asked if I could get some more for them because they could get drunk very quickly on it. We waited about a month before telling them it was only a type of medicine - 100% true story

Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - hot and suny Malaysia

" Fennings fever cure ". My mother gave us that for anything and any thing . I can still taste the stuff now that you have mentioned it . " I hate you for that ".:hihi:

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