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Family Law anyone?

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Does anyone know anything about family law please..where do dads stand in relation to a child not born yet but already being refused contact when he/she will be born and refusing to put dads name on birth certificate? Also refusing contact with grandparents? Thanks. Can I just add at no fault of the dad either. He has tried to be extremely reasonable but the mom is having none of it.

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He will have to see a Family Law solicitor. Legal Aid is available (at the moment) if he's unwaged or low paid enough. Just google "Sheffield Family Law solicitors" or suchlike. Depending on whether the mother is co-operative or not it could be a long hard slog involving outside agencies, DNA tests, court apperances, etc. I've sat in on different types of court cases in the past and Family ones were the worst. I don't want to put anyone off but if the mother isn't playing ball prepare for a battle.

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thanks for your reply...No unfortunately the mom isnt playing ball...she already has a child to a different dad and he had to take her to court for contact..she said he wouldnt get it..but he did..and overnight visits at that..she wasnt best pleased...but he was on the birth certificate..

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I would recommend Watson Esam in Paradise Square. They've been excellent with my family issues.

i would have seconded that but the guy who helped me has moved now to banner jones.. ask for "toby netting"..top guy.. sorted my ex out no prob and the kids were/are very happy. its not a one way "mother" street now if you get the right solicitor.

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