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Family Law anyone?

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she told him she wont allow a dna test? I dont know anything about the law and dads etc..so I dont know if she is right or wrong.


I think the court will order one at the beginning of the hearing before there are any proceedings.

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If the child was born after 2002 (which it is) if he is proven to be the biological Father he has parental responsability regardless of being on the birth certificate or whether or not they are married.


Oh thank you for this...at least there may be light at the end of the tunnel then...I do hope so...

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Can I be impertinent and ask what relationship the dad is to you? I have been in Family Court on four separate occasions and the involvement of CAFCASS can often make it very difficult. I have no experience of issues prior to birth but the 'Families Need Fathers' website will provide assistance. They also have meetings each month in Sheffield.

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Unmarried fathers CAN get PR but being on the birth certificate is, I'm sure, critical and simply being the biological father doesn't confer it




I have been in the family law system for 2 years now and I had responsabilities for my daughter she's the youngest but not my son. I had it explained to me by the judge and was awarded responsabilities for my son aswell as I was applying for access to both. The law changed on parental rights and became parental responsabilities. With the date law change.

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I have been in the family law system for 2 years now and I had responsabilities for my daughter she's the youngest but not my son. I had it explained to me by the judge and was awarded responsabilities for my son aswell as I was applying for access to both. The law changed on parental rights and became parental responsabilities. With the date law change.


Well, the two websites I posted links to seem quite clear regarding the connection between PR and the birth certificate (dad.info is a well-respected organisation) and confirm what I thought. They both refer to the December date for the change in the law.


Maybe there was something else about your circumstances that made the judge say what he did?

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exact same thing happened to me.


court is the last place he should go.


he needs to decide how involved he wants to be.


he then needs to make this clear to the mum


i wanted equal time shared care, 5 years later i got this.


its about the long game and tactics.. not point scoring.


i joined this site just to say PM me if you want some sound advice.

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