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Family Law anyone?

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He isnt trying to score points...she already has a child with another dad and refused him contact so he had to take her to court to get contact. She then said that even the court wouldnt make her hand her child over to him for visits....she soon found out it could and it did. I know this is no way to carry off with children but the mom is very very unreasonable and so are her family around her. She isnt prepared to sit down and discuss things. My son is going to be left with very little option when this baby comes. Her past experiences show us this. He isnt prepared to just walk away like she has told him to do.

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ive seen women messing around in court, obstructing visitation, judges dont take kindly to that.

i remember one woman who before going in for hearing was playing the big i am, telling her relatives that shes the mother, things would go how she wanted them and the dad would lose his visits..... she came out crying. the judge awarded custody to the father as the mother often didnt hand over the child for visitation and when she did she would become unavaiable when the child was due to be returned ( her attempt to try and claim the dad wasnt sticking to the rules ) the mum was then the one with just visitation


its no longer a "kids belong with mums" mentality, its about whats best for the child and courts dont take kindly to being messed about


your son unfortunatly needs the courts to determine that hes the father and set out his visitation if the mothers going to behave in a bad way

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Tell him to go see a solicitor now before baby is born, my brother went to court and it didn't take that long for him to see is daughter the court made them have a DNA test as the mum had put another lads name on birth certificate, then he had to have supervised visits at a centre for a few months then he was able to start taking her out his self, the sooner he see,s the solicitor the quicker he will get it sorted, good luck to him.

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Thank you to all who have given their experiences and who have offered/given advice. This isnt going to be as easy as I thought. But as long as he gets to have contact with his child thats the main thing. Why do some women have to resort to using children as weapons against ex partners? What do they hope to gain out of it apart from a lot of hurt all round? I'm a woman and a mother myself and if my hubby and I had parted when our children were young, I would never have dreamed of using our children against him. What goes off between two parents shouldnt involve the children I believe. But hey ho...suppose this is the world we now live in. Its been such an eye opener this last few days, maybe I'm not living in the real world?? But once again, thanks.

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